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Mobile Phone Animations

By amy | Monday, January 30, 2006 at 1:29pm


I wonder if anyone can help me...I'd really like to use one of my animations as a screen-saver for my mobile phone. I really don't know if it's possible to transfer my work to a mobile, or what format it would have to be in. Since compnaies do create animations and send them out to phones, there must be a way to do least, I think there must be. lol.

My animarion is in flash mx.

If anyone knows anything about this subject, I'd love to here your thoughts.

Many thanks,


skinnylizard's picture

amy you can publish as flash lite provided the mobile phone you are using is Flash enabled.
also, alternatively i think you could create a gif animation and use that. let me know if it works.
you would need to find the resolution your phone is on and then optimise the screensaver for it (one of the biggest reasons why mobile gaming costs what it does is coz it has to be individually deployed)

ScatteredLogical's picture

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Quicktime Pro exports to 3GP, which to my knowledge is a cell phone-compliant format. I don't know how you'd lead your phone to that file after you made it, but QTP is only 30 bucks =)

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

QT pro is what I use - very simple

The Brothers McLeod

skinnylizard's picture

how can you make a screensaver in quicktime?

amy's picture
Submitted by amy on

Grega, you send your own animations to your phone? How do you get them from pc to mobile?

Thank you for your help everyone! :) Maybe it wasn't such a silly question after all. lol

Rozzco's picture
Submitted by Rozzco on

Amy I have all my animations on my phone, If you have a mac and you have iMovie u can export to 3gp, get a bluetooth adaptor for ure mac/pc and send to ure phone, if you don't have iMovie and you wanna save your self soem money, send you're animation to me through MSN addy- ill be more than happy to convert it to 3gp for you and send it back so you can send it to youre phone . . . . peace Rozzco

skinnylizard's picture

you will need a bluetooth enabled phone to transfer the files from your computer which will also need a bluetooth dongle atleast.
you could bypass this if you have a data cable enabled phone and you can plug the two together.
3gp is the standard format for this but you cant use those files as wallpaper etc.

amy's picture
Submitted by amy on

Thank you :) You have all been very helpful!

I do have iMovie but, unfortunately, I only have an old Nokia 7210...with no way of connecting to the internet. Perhaps my phone would be too old to display an animation, even if I could transfer it. Guess I'll just have to wait til I upgrade.

Rozzco's picture
Submitted by Rozzco on

yea up grade! im telling you if u fork out ( work n fork out any way ; ) ) you can buy s superb phone which basically u can animate on!!!!!! haha :)