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Xombie Chapter 6 Released

"The dog is Cerberus, the girl Zoe, I'm Dirge"

A sixth episode of Xombie the web series has just been released.

Writer/Director, James Farr put the word out that the new animated robot-like characters introduced in Episode 5 would speak and auditioned for the voice parts. I am very happy to have been selected to voice the additional parts of the Xar-Ggothua Soldiers who appear in this episode along with Dirge.

I have a couple of voice samples at this page:

Geoff P Edwards's picture
Geoff "The dog is Cerberus, the girl Zoe, I'm Dirge"

ScatteredLogical's picture

Awesome work as usual. Curious - how much of your original voice is retained for those robots? I'm going to assume there was some sort of filter for the modulation/mechanized effect.

You should be Kevin Conroy's understudy for Batman. Not that you're not a headliner, just that he's there first.

If you talk to Jamie tell him I love the sneaky Gaylen Ross reference.

Geoff P Edwards's picture

Awesome work as usual. Curious - how much of your original voice is retained for those robots? I'm going to assume there was some sort of filter for the modulation/mechanized effect.

That's a good question. I record the voice dry that is without any effects. The breath sound was inspired by James description of the Xar-Ggothua Soldiers. I wanted to give them a wet labored breathing sound. James liked the sound of Aknot in the 5th Dimension and that character had some influence on the sounds of these characters. Without giving away any "trade secrets" the way I spoke the characters lines was a result of my memory of the way a flange effect can give a sound shapes. So I thought of the shapes my mouth would make if I was flanging the sound without a plug-in or effect. Incidently I didn't use a flange effect in the end, just thought of the shape as I spoke. That probably sounds really strange. I hope it makes sense to you.

"The dog is Cerberus, the girl Zoe, I'm Dirge"

ScatteredLogical's picture

Believe it or not, acoustics, formants, etc. all sorts of vocal and auditory science - one of my secret passions. I'm not an expert, but I follow you closer than I likely would otherwise =)