Very Hungry...

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Very Hungry...

Check out my website
Feed me!:D

Thanks for the Input

I set this site up 2 years ago and updated it a couple of times, but I haven't ,in recent months, been able to work with it. So I figured I'd show it off and see what others would say. Your Ideas are pretty much in line with the way I've been feeling about the site. So thanks for the confirmation.

You need to "title" your home page. Right now it's title is index. Also I would advise you to embed you swfs in html and provide a preloader so people aren't sitting there staring at a blank screen.

Your work is pretty good but you need to work on your presentation, also your resume link is dead and half of your fine art thumbs don't show up. I say go for a hybrid site, part flash part htm, make your menu strictly text based and lose the frames set up. If you want the locker look maybe do a locker background pic for behind the menu. Pure text would be much quicker loading and you wouldn't have to wait for the different states to download.

The intro was cute, but not worth waiting for as it is. Lose it or optimize it.


Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

I agree with phacker. Site is ok but need to work on the presentation, especially with the more texty parts of the site.

You have to compare your site to the 'competetion'. Have a search around other peoples sites and see what your up against.This is great for ideas and also gives you a target to work towards.

Would comb over it in fine detail and just check everything works.

Keep going! Jon.