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Animation Critique Needed

hey guys,

Just did some re-working of the aniamtion I've been doing this week. I focused a bit more on editing since that is what I got the most comments about. This sequence is when the main character comes out of the bathroom of the bar drunk and finds a coin on the ground and puts it in the jukebox.

Let me know what you think.


Vivec's picture
Submitted by Vivec on

I liked it made me laugh ....nice work.....but I have to agree, the walk does seem to easy for him...

Character Animator

Me and the Graph Editor have a understanding

antiflag8789's picture

the jukebox color should be different, it blends in with the wall too much. other than that its fantastic

rylleman's picture
Submitted by rylleman on

I think the walk looks to sober, the character got pretty much control and he's never really off balance, he rather looks like he is pretending to be ashamed of something (the entry indicates that he should be pretty punch drunk).
I liked the entry though. :)
With a bit more work on your movements you're gonna get a nice piece of animation.
You got a great thing to play with over his head, toss that around, the more drunk he gets the sloppier the rings movement become (just a thought).

Larry L.'s picture
Submitted by Larry L. on


Good effort...

I agree with the comment re:the drunk walk. It should be more staggered.

You could use more thinking time when the guy see the coin- remember the guy is impared - it will take him longer to comprehend the coin.

One more thing... don't stay so long with the last shot- seeing a character's back is no fun- you could cut to a side shot.

Keep going....

Animated Ape's picture

Larry and Rylle covered the animation and drunk walk, and Phacker covered the butt scratch, so I'll cover the editing and staging which could use some fine tuning.

The first shot is pretty borring. Good for an establishing shot, you have all your elements in there, but do we need to see them all? I think you could cut in tighter on the door and jukebox. We don't need to see the coin just yet. Your first cut is a bit awkward. I do like that angle though. Maybe just hold on the first shot till he stops and see's the coin, then cut to his point of view of the coin. And Larry's right, you do need to hold on the coin a bit longer. It's even too fast to register if the guy was sober. Your cut back to the low camera angle works nicely. I think he should pause longer on the "take" befor he reaches for the coin. Remember, he's drunk so all his movements are slower and much more exagerated. The staging of this shot also can be improved a bit. I'd move the coin toward him a bit, that way he can take one step and turn more into a side view. This will silhouette his arm more when he reaches for the coin. As it is now, it didn't realize he reached for the coin in that shot till the third time I watched it. His hand gets lost in his body mass. The rest works fine, but I agree with Larry that cutting to the side at the end would help.

You have a nice solid base to work from, just a few minor tweeks and it'll really shine.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."