Does anyone know the key drawings for broken glass, as I am trying to animate in 2D a mirror breaking and fragments falling to the floor but i am having difficulty:(
Glass is "fracture sensitive," so I would say in one frame it would go from solid to completely broken. some pieces will stick in the frame, some will drop.
I agree with Johnny; it'd have to be quick. If you want to have the audience see the glass fracture, then you might go with two frames of breaking, but shoot on 1's.
Whenever I animate anything that I'm not sure of, I always get some reference first. This place is great for video footage, and you can go frame by frame with your keyboard too. Here's the link. Just click on Film and type in what you're looking for. Cheers
I'm glad I read through this thread....thanks alot.
And regarding's like water, or wind, or any other animation.
Your best place to start would be from personal observation, although glass can be expensive, especially to break.
You've definitely taken on a good challenge...and being an artist, you'll have to disturb the neighboors once in a while for the sake of experimentation. If you could get your hands on a digital camera, make sure that you have proper lighting, a clear image, a mirror and a big-ass hammer, then rock n' baby!
You download that onto your computer, and play it in quicktime. In quicktime, you can use your arrow keys to frame by frame it.
If you can find the right type of glass break on the net, or in some video archive that you can frame by frame, that'll save you a great deal of time..but otherwise, you'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
If I were a more crude speaker I'd swear in glee, but since I'm not...
Yes, thank you for what is sure to be one of the coolest and most useful sites I've seen in a while...
For these animations 3D can help a lot. I start as 2D animator and now I can use a little Lw and Hash AM. A simple model and dynamics can make this animation faster and very effective.
I think 2D and 3D can be a perfect marriage.. although sometimes anybody wants divorce :D
Glass is "fracture sensitive," so I would say in one frame it would go from solid to completely broken. some pieces will stick in the frame, some will drop.
I agree with Johnny; it'd have to be quick. If you want to have the audience see the glass fracture, then you might go with two frames of breaking, but shoot on 1's.
Whenever I animate anything that I'm not sure of, I always get some reference first. This place is great for video footage, and you can go frame by frame with your keyboard too. Here's the link. Just click on Film and type in what you're looking for. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
What a great site! The corbis of video...
I'm glad I read through this thread....thanks alot.
And regarding's like water, or wind, or any other animation.
Your best place to start would be from personal observation, although glass can be expensive, especially to break.
You've definitely taken on a good challenge...and being an artist, you'll have to disturb the neighboors once in a while for the sake of experimentation. If you could get your hands on a digital camera, make sure that you have proper lighting, a clear image, a mirror and a big-ass hammer, then rock n' baby!
You download that onto your computer, and play it in quicktime. In quicktime, you can use your arrow keys to frame by frame it.
If you can find the right type of glass break on the net, or in some video archive that you can frame by frame, that'll save you a great deal of time..but otherwise, you'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
If I were a more crude speaker I'd swear in glee, but since I'm not...
Yes, thank you for what is sure to be one of the coolest and most useful sites I've seen in a while...
Thanks for ur help u guys the website on film and images has really helped me out, thanku.
Ill be back with another problem soon.:)
2D and 3D get married
For these animations 3D can help a lot. I start as 2D animator and now I can use a little Lw and Hash AM. A simple model and dynamics can make this animation faster and very effective.
I think 2D and 3D can be a perfect marriage.. although sometimes anybody wants divorce :D