Hello Everybody,I am a Digital Artist striving to breakin CG industry...Exploring the World's Top Animation schools to study high-end CG. Please suggest me the Top 5 in Visual-effects & 3D Gaming-each,to choose from. I am also concerned about the job oppurtunities for international students, after graduating from these...That's my Major concern..!! So please help me with your valuable comments soon...Thanks, Mohit Jain. :confused:
the best place in my book is supinfocom, without a doubt.
This, as usual, is a really tricky question because most of us have only been to one school...
I've heard lots of good things about Sheridan...
I had a really good time at Savannah College of Art and Design and the cg animation program is really solid now, imho.
Ringling always has a world-class showing.
School of Visual Arts in New York also seems popular.
That's all I've got.
Thanks a lot..!Now I am seeking the Best school/college for studying 3DGaming internationally. I am concerned about the job scenario abroad for international students, after graduating from such schools….That's my Major concern..!! Will it be a wise decision to invest in that much...if I Target the Gaming studios Abroad…please help me with your valuable suggestions soon...as I am thinking to choose one in search of a Rewarding career in 3DGaming - Abroad.
Thanks, Mohit Jain
i think you need to get that qualification/experience first before you start worrying about where the jobs are. The beauty with this industry is there is always work out there somewhere.
The games studio i worked in over here was full of foreign artists/programmers/level designers which makes for a fantastic working atmosphere and i'm sure much the same is echoed throughout other studios. There are games companies big and small everywhere so if your good at what you do you shouldn't have a problem in getting a job. But like i say, worry about that when you get there. First get that education and enjoy a couple of years studying what you want to do. When you have a portfolio/showreel ready, then the job hunting begins.
Check out http://ncca.bournemouth.ac.uk/newhome/
Its a good uni and the student life down there is great. Good luck!