"i love the graph editor"
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i'm a newbie, so i'd love to get any feedback on my 3d animation.
i recently graduated, but only had a couple months to really work on my reel, so i know it needs some work. check out my 4 min. animation reel(17MB), which includes a short film and 2 other shorter pieces, one of them being 2d animation:
just go to the animation section. feel free to criticize as there is no other way i can get better.
thank you, my fellow animators/artists.
Hey Vivec... my school's head of career development got me in contact with Dan Mason. it also helped that my school was 5 minutes from Pixar. as for kinds of animation i am into, it keeps changing... throughout school, it was generally the Pixar style, but now i am moving more towards a darker feel. i've read a lot and seen a lot, but it never is enough. since I've been working, I've been trying to carve out time to work on my own personal projects. i'll have some new stuff by spring... thanks for your interest and good luck to you...
"i love the graph editor"
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Hi Devil Im a student in my second year and I love 3D work. How did you manage to get in contact with Dan Manson. Only having 1 year left at University geting known is becoming a priority. also what kind of animations are you into. what did you read what have you seen. sorry if I seem inquizative.
Character Animator
Me and the Graph Editor have a understanding
Hi Devil, and welcome to the AWN Forums. I checked out your demo reel, and I'd have to say is that it's waaaay to long. I know it only runs about 4 minutes, but it feels like just the first short is 4 minutes. If I was hiring an animator and I saw this, I would have ejected your tape after your first short. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just too long, or slow, or both. I would have your shorts on your site uncut, but for a demo reel, I would edit your work to the best shots from your short. Show off the animation you are most proud of. I would say, cut your demo reel down to 45 seconds. A good rule of thumb to remember is; a producer is going to see your worst peice of animation, and think that is the best work they will get from you on their production. So only put your very best. If it's an ok shot, dump it. I hope this helps you out some. Sorry if I sound harsh, but I am just being honest with you.
By the way, that shot of the dog catching the ball in midair, looks awfully familiar. Puka perhaps?
The Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Im no expert, but man i found that really cool! Greetings Im new at this site.Wonderfull place.love the emotion on the Red guy.Awesome. If its not too much to ask id like to ask about music from you Devil.:D
Hey Runemaster, welcome to the forums and I appreciate your kind words! And Animated Ape, I never got back to you on your comments but I really did appreciate the critique and I am still working on bettering my reel. I've done quite a bit more animation since I've graduated so I will be keeping your words in mind and only selecting best portions of my work when I cut my revised demo reel together. :)
Runemaster, are you asking what music I used for my Devil piece? If you are, I used Louis Armstrong's "Heaven" and Frank Sinatra's "My Blue Heaven." If that didn't answer your question, let me know! :D
"i love the graph editor"
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hey man... checked out your site... that animation with the monster and the rocks looks top notch. Did you model and rig that guy as well? Great character... As for the devil short, the animation ranged from good to average.... but mostly good. Are you trying to get into pixar? I noticed you were mentored by a guy that works there! Did you do an internship? If so, what was it like? Sorry about all the questions, but i'm obviously obsessed with that studio....
Hey Capel,
Thank you for your comments! The monster was actually built and rigged by a friend of mine who I graduated with. I thought it was the coolest looking monster so I had to ask him to let me try animating him! I will be sure to give him his due credit once I finish the clip.
As far as Pixar, I see it as the pinnacle of 3D so naturally I would love to work for them. I need a few more years under my belt before I can get to that point, but yes I do have an animation mentor that works there. I can't tell you how much he's helped me over these last couple months! I didn't internship there, but it's great to be able to go there and get some great feedback on some of my work. :D
"i love the graph editor"
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