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My Demo Reel

By -LK- | Monday, November 15, 2004 at 9:04pm

Lindsey Keess

Hey All,

I'm new to these forums, so I think I will make my entrance by showing off my Demo Reel.

You can find it here

Feel free to give some C&C, Always nice to hear feedback. :)

-LK-'s picture
Lindsey Keess Animator

madaman90's picture
Submitted by madaman90 on

I can't take it anymore.
Why can't everybody just post QUICKTIME MOVIES of their stuff?
so that the entire planet...including macintosh owners...can see it?

You lose LK
22 megs and 22000 brain cells later, I couldn't see your movie.

ScatteredLogical's picture

It'd be smart to use QuickTime because it's multiplatform without flaw, but there's also no free legitimate way to create a QuickTime movie. You have to buy the pro version of the software itself, or a copy of some software that exports in the format.

Unless someone knows of another way?

madaman90's picture
Submitted by madaman90 on

Granted, I have applications that can do it myself (after effects or final cut pro...or better yet, after effects then reduced in fcp), but from a PC...I dunno. What's the program used to make the movie in the first place? Aren't there compression settings (such as quicktime) available to you:confused: ?

If not,
it's news to me, and I appologize:)

ScatteredLogical's picture

Hah I don't think anyone needs an apology...I actually didn't see the reel (it won't come up for me either but that's because my comp is having issues)...I was generalizing.......I know Flash is supposed to be able to save to Quicktime, even thought it won't on my copy.......Lightwave does too....... But to composite two videos together (if they had both 2 and 3D) it'd take finagling if you didn't have video software to get one single Quicktime

But if you're trying to reach the widest audience, yah, it's a good idea to explore all formats, especially if you want a job =)

Vivec's picture
Submitted by Vivec on

I loved your demo reel the time was great, very smooth. looking forward to seeing other work you have/are doing

Character Animator

Me and the Graph Editor have a understanding

-LK-'s picture
Submitted by -LK- on

My apologies to the delayed reply, and thank you all for your reply.

This was the Demo reel that I did as a final project for the one year animation coarse I went to. This is still my current demo reel however I am in the process at making another one. Your comments really help to see what kind of things I would have to improve on.
damage's Avatar

damage: I used AXA and Adobe Premier for the compositing. Nothing really special, but that's what they had available.

David U.Chiu: Yea... that part is very hard to understand without color, The glass is supposed to break exposing the inards of the monitor.

kcdragon: The action scenes were unfortunatly rushed, I was under a very tight schedual and Only had time to do each scene once. The action should be much clearer in my leica reel. I'm thinking I may post the leica as reference. I also plan on eventually going back and fixing many of the mistakes.

Zoober: Hey Nathan, thanks for dropping a line. The scene in which you talked about was actually in my final project in the 2D section. I decided to change the story a little more so that I could show off more animation technique, however like you, I missed having the gag in there.

Lindsey Keess

kcdragon's picture
Submitted by kcdragon on

Lindsey, I'd love to see the leica reel to get a feel for the timing of the action scenes. I know animating takes a lot of time and energy so your schedule issue makes a lot of sense.
Good luck and be sure to share the new reel when you get it done.

-LK-'s picture
Submitted by -LK- on

Looks good are you planing on coloring it in????

It's in the plans for the future, I have to finish off some of the work i'm doing before I could do that. I will show the final version once it's done.

Lindsey Keess

damage's picture
Submitted by damage on

Nice work LK,

Welcome to the forums, I can't wait to see it in full color. What program did you use to put together your animation? It looks soo crisp and clean. I myself am trying to put something together but am kind of confused as to how to go about putting it together.

David U.Chiu's picture

Good Work !!!

I really enjoyed your Demo it`s cool, only it`s confuse in the part that the glass is breaking What happend there?? but I think the problem is that isn`t finish yet I guess with colour it will be clear.

Nothing else, Nice job!!! :cool:

David U.Chiu

kcdragon's picture
Submitted by kcdragon on

Hey All,

I'm new to these forums, so I think I will make my entrance by showing off my Demo Reel.

You can find it here

Feel free to give some C&C, Always nice to hear feedback. :)

Your animation/artwork looks very good LK. I'm not sure what the story is/was, but you may want to work on the action scenes a little more (concept wise) before showing it as a demo reel.

Impressive lining for sure!

Zoober's picture
Submitted by Zoober on


Great to see you posting some work!

Looks like you've cleaned up your reel quite a bit, I still miss the scene you had in the original with the disco balls though :D


~Nathan Zufelt
Character Animator