- Glenn Csonka
I've been writing and drawing independent and webcomics for years and now I'd like to take one of the concepts and pitch it to an animation studio. Now, I'm not naive to think that I can throw something together in Flash since I'm no animator. I'd like to see if an animation studio is intrested in the property, but there are a few things I'd like to know first.
1 - What materials should I have put together before I even think about contacting a studio?
2 - How do I go about contacting them? E-mail, telephone? What should I write/say so it doesn't sound like I'm some high school kid with a pipe dream? (when I'm actually 35 years old with a pipe dream)
3 - I'm looking for a North American based 2D animation studio. Is there anyone that comes highly reccommended and is open to new ideas?
Thank you all.
I think most of what is wanted is one full script and others as synopsis. And short at that.
The best is to ask each partner who you will be pitching to, and be prepared for whatever. The synopsis is very important at any rate.
Funny you say that about your comic, becasue I was reading it thinking - this is nice as a comic, but I wonder how all this riddle stuff will work in film form?
I particulalry liked the frame where you click on what the sergeant was reading, and go to a site where that information is. Nice.
Could make for a cool concept - a whole hunt through the internet to solve the thing and get the last issue ;-)
Nothing, huh?
- Glenn Csonka
i can help u if u r interested in indian studio.
hi ,
i am ashis from india and heads an animatiuon studio which havea capacity of having 25 flash animators and i am looking for people with innovative ideas to work with.if you a re really interested in working with ous then we can discuss in detail.and doing work from india is not a problem at all.The cost will be as less as 30% of the cost which u will spend in north american studio.so why dont you give a thought of it?
for detail discussion pls e-mail to justmail1973@yahoo.com. .Bye n take care.
Hi Rampart,
nice stuff at your site. That comics is neat - kinda like The DaVinci Code meets National Geographic ;-)
You should have at least the script, character designs and descriptions (the character bible). Best to wait on storyboard until you know who is director - but if you also want too be director, go ahead and do that too - only betters your bargaining position.
Ashis - Thanks for the offer, but it's not so much an issue of price as it is an issue with face-to-face meetings and the travel involved.
Dobermunk - Thanks for checking out the site. The concept was originally intended for animation, but I tried my hand at converting it into comic book form. I really feel that it loses a lot in that medium, which is why I'd like to try pitching it for animation now. I can supply finished scripts, but is that really needed in the pitch bible or can I use detailed episode synopses instead?
- Glenn Csonka
do you need an animator in Pittsburgh?
I am an animator in Pittsburgh, with Flash training. Email me at rigel496@gmail.com if you want to set something up.
what Rampart i think wants to hear is how to go about getting a pitch and what is required for it.
Rampart what you need is at basic a fleshed out concept, which you know is going somewhere.
At the maximum end of the spectrum you need to have a pitch book which contains the past, present and future of the show, characters, scripts, drawings, concept art, synopsis, a complete script etc.
you dont need a flash animated sequence right now, whatr you need is an illustrator who will fill in the sections of your pitch or pitch book with the images in your head.
then you can get in touch with studios or broadcasters to get the pitches into them or to get meetings.
some wont even meet without an agent forwarded pitch. if you cant get an agent get in touch with an entertainment lawyer for around $30 he will mail your pitch to various studios / broadcasters and this will get you on your way.
if you have any further questions, shoot. and stay away from people blindly offering business services to you at this point.