Hello. I'm a graduate student (psychology) interested in the therapeutic aspects of stories (books, movies and so on). I know absolutely nothing about art or animation.
My thesis advisor suggested that I create a short cartoon (5-7 minutes) for children about visiting the dentist for the first time. He envisions this as something that a dentist can put into a VCR/DVD machine prior to a child's dental appointment.
Now, I have absolutely no clue as to the type of artist that I should hire for such an undertaking.
Also, I don't know how much such a project would cost.
Finally, I don't know how I can prepare for this project in such a way as to help the artist get the best results possible. In other words, do I need to make a short video of a dental appointment to show what I have in mind?
I did write a short story (posted at www.ticklemyteeth.com ) to show what I intend to do with the video. Of course, it will probably have to be altered to fit the context of a cartoon.
I would love to receive a quote for such a project in addition to the requirements you would have that would make this project easier to complete.
I would be unable to commit to the project until I receive a written approval from my thesis advisor... that will probably take 2-3 months.
Thank you in advance for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Sincerely,
Sheilah T. Davis
16547 E Tufts Ave
Aurora Co 80015
Hi, Sheila.
Wow, that´s pretty singular. I do not stand too confortable on dentist´s chairs, but I think I can help you if you want.
I´m going to take a look at the link you gave us, and maybe you want to talk by email so we can share more details?
Sounds fun for me too. Maybe it will be the first job of the Brazilian Animation Coop :)
Brazilian animation coop heating up
What are we waiting for?
By the way Daniel, I have just authorized you on my ICQ.
Hi Sheilah,
Wow! That sounds like a very exciting project! I would love to help you out. My email is amy_gibbard@yahoo.co.uk contact me and we can work something out.
I would say that, to speed up the production process, you should draw a storyboard (just rough sketches) to show the artist exactly what it is that you want to show in each shot and the camera angles.
Let me know the deadline for this project and the style that you are looking for and I will give you a good quote.
I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about your project.
I am interested
Hello Sheila!
I have gone through the story, part of which is not in english language but i could understand what type of work you want. Can you please explain what type of a story you would like to animated, cause the story that you have depicted is about a girls daily habbits and activities and it does not centrally emphasise about her visit to the dentist.
You please develop the exact content which will help the emphasis on the dentist visit and then probably we could help you out in taking it from there.
You are welcome to contact me on paresh@sysconconsultants.com
Dentist video
Hello Sheila,
I've just joined this forum so I am, perhaps, a little late. However, if you are still looking for an animator, I have over thirty years of professional experience to offer and would be happy to look at your project. Send me an email at lesbrooksbank@blueyonder.co.uk
Best regards, Les.