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Has anyone seen F 911- Michael Moore's new film. Here in Savannah the cinemas has not picked the film up...nothing like censorship!
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I work next door to a movie theater and it's been sold out for two days. Thats pretty amazing for a documentary!
Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.
Pretty loose term.
Have no fear Larry, you can bet a DVD will be made.
What I find sad, is that I'll probably go see it just to rant at how I dislike Moore and his films! He'll get my cash, the big poo-poo head! I'm screwed!
Less is Moore!
(pass the popcorn!)
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
Number 1 film in America yet it's not playing ANYWHERE in your city? Yep, that's censorship alright. Some people are simply terrified of an alternate opinion.
I counted 17 theaters palying F911 across Georgia and no box office numbers supporting your claim that it is the number one movie in the country. How did you come to your conclusions Harvey? Just curious.
Yamaha YZF-R125 history
Here is today's box office results for the weekend. F 911 has been quoted as the highest grossing documentry, just beating out Moore's last film, Bowling for Columbine. I was going to see it this weekend but it was sold out. I'll post my thoughts after I see it! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
This is from NBC.com
1. "Fahrenheit 9/11," $21.8 million.
2. "White Chicks," $19.6 million.
3. "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story," $18.5 million.
4. "The Terminal," $13.9 million.
5. "The Notebook," $13 million.
6. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," $11.4 million.
7. "Shrek 2," $10.5 million.
8. "Garfield: The Movie," $7 million.
9. "Two Brothers," $6.2 million.
10. "The Stepford Wives," $5.2 million.
I'm not a huge Moore fan, nor am I a Bush fan, but I did like the movie. And this is not a documentary, as it keeps getting refered to. It's more like a docufilm, or a moviementary. I really think there should be a disclaimer in the front that says "based on actual events." :D
Hey, at least it beat out White Chicks!!
The Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Shoot, Dan beat me too it. :D
The Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
I am more amazed by the fact that "White Chicks" is at number 2. Hehehehe. People actually went to see that?!?!?!
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
I stand corrected, for some reason I was not able to find the most recent box office numbers that were posted here.:o
Dodge Adventurer specifications
The Great Debate
I haven't seen the movie yet ( waiting for the lines to die down a bit) but I've seen M Moore on the talk shows. He's not calling it a documentary either but rather an 'op ed' piece that he hopes will foster The Great Debate. I have no problem with that.
Better than 25 minutes of traffic reports, sports, weather, the murder/rape of the day, and mindless banter from local news and/or biased corporate "news" ala Jennings/Brokaw (and the other guy).
PS My mom tried to see it in Honolulu, HI last Saturday but tickets were sold out for the day at her nearby theater. Strange to imagine.
Suddenly the pristine white sand beaches of Waikiki are left devoid of tourists while movie theaters are crammed with folks trying to get into a M Moore film. Kinda' kooky. :)
The beginning of wisdom is said to reside in the question.
The beginning of oppression is said to reside in failng to ask questions.
I think a movie like this, whether its truth or not, meets a need in asking questions that need to be asked.
Opposition to questions means that the opposer has something to hide....or fear. This has been a constant throughout all of human history.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
People interested in Moore's work might want to check out The Corporation.
It's only playing in 9 theaters though, so good luck finding it. :D
my two cents
For people who dont agree with Mikey (or even those of you who do like him)This is a very interesting read.Im sure the sources will be questioned and credibility, blah, blah, blah.Speaking of questions?There are many here that Ol Mikey should step up and address (but we know HE WILL NOT!)
p.s. this is my only post on this issue so, bait all ya want(you know who you are)You guys DO know this "person" isnt even from Flint Mi. right?!????
That's the third time I've read that Slate article.
I may be a bit of a dim bulb, but I didn't say where it refutes anything in the picture. It argues against the filmmaker's public statements BEFORE the release of F9/11, but that's one step shy of an ad hominem assault.
And are you saying that since Mr. Moore wasn't born in Flint, he has no right to confront the robber barrons who exploit its population? I thought democracy was meant to protect the weak from the egomaniacal whims of the powerful.
The real problem with F9/11 is it is false by omission. There is ample evidence that the CIA funded bin Laden (documented by the GAO as recently as 1998), that the FBI paid rent for the hijackers and there is NO WAY a pilot could drive a Boeing plane at the speed they were travelling when they hit the towers (they can only top to those speeds remotely).
This is what we have the Second Amendment for folks. Why complain because you have personal gripes with a filmmaker? Instead ask, "what would George Washington do?"
a lie is a lie right?
only saying that hes NOT from flint ,a lie.Im from Dallas, not a suburb of it.Some people make such a big freaking deal out of every little thing, taking everything so literally so...Hes from Davison NOT Flint?ok????Wrong or right?Lie or truth????
freedom of speech for thee but none for me??????
We're talking about the planned and systematic destruction of the Republic and incremental implementation of a police state. Pickin' nits over being from the suburbs in NOT OK.
two very simple questions
1.Did Saddam support terrorists? (its been WELL documented he paid the families of suicide bombers 10,000 and then 25,000) not to mention harboring them, riiiiiight???Look up Abu Nidals final address and tell me again how you can committ suicide with 4 bullets to the noggin?thats just ONE;THERE ARE MANY MORE!Not to mention Hijacker training among other things(do you even care?)
2.Do Michael Moore films "systematically" bend the truth (IE lie to suit his agenda!) or not? (This has also been well documented and if you say they dont you ARE a dimbulb amigo!)bowlingfortruth,check it out;lots of lies my friend!!!!
Gald to see so many of you dismiss Saint Saddam and his record in favor or trashing your own country and saying things like you are "ashamed" to be an american?!
You say things like "oh we MUST question everything,but NOT Michael Moore?!?!Because hes doing what you all applaud;
Bush Bad!
this is from dc 9/11: time of crisis:
so everyone bends the truth a bit. for centuries it's been the winners who write the history, but these days there are many points of view and time will tell who was right and who was wrong.
so in 50 years, after the dust has settled, we'll see. but to dislike, despise, hate or whatever michael moore because he's bringing up a different view point just shows a narrow mind.
I was drawn in
sorry I was drawn in by a "master" baiter..I digress.
ps. if you dont like it dont read it?!kind of like the narrow minds who accept everything fed to you by the left eh?
I am quickly going to throw my two cents in here. I think everyone knows that Saddam is no Saint. I think it is pretty common knowlege that he was a vicious dictator , and has willingly slain many of his people for no apparent logical reason. Is that a reason to attack the bugger? I am not in a position to say, but I would like to think so. I certainly hope so, anyways. (and yes, I know of all the "oil control" issues and so on, so there is no need for anyoen to tell me, and try to get me on that bandwagon. I don't buy it.)
However, someone said that many Americans are saying now that they are "ashamed to be American" because of this. Was this the straw that broke the camel's proverbial back? This was it? There are far more reasons that I could personally think of to say that I am ashamed to be American rather than the fact that my country tried to do something for the people of another nation. For example, I would me more ashamed of not knowing that France is a country in Europe, NOT a state east of Maine, or Canada, a state above New York that is covered in snow and ice 100% of the time. I would be more ashamed that I do not know of any other part of the world outside of my borders, or its leaders (no, in Canada, we do NOT have a president... We have a PRIME MINISTER, and his name is not Tim Horton). I would be more ashamed that the rest of the world thinks that I think of myself as part of a "supreme race". I would be more ashamed to go up to a Canadian in India and ask him to BUY his Canadian flag that is sewn to his backpack because everyone seems to hate him otherwise. That is what I would be ashamed of, and I would have been ashamed LONG AGO of my countrymen. I have an American friend who has been living in Hong Kong for years, and he was the very first American I have ever heard talk badly about his own people, and it was for these exact reasons.
I am very sorry. I do not have anything personally against any Americans, and I really mean that. I do not care if you/they choose to live your/their lives this way, as that is none of my business. But... those of you who do choose to live your lives this way, and complain that NOW you are ashamed to be American due to yet another foreign policy screw-up or issue, wake up. Why weren't people "ashamed to be American" when the U.S. put a Chilean dictator IN power to better suit their needs, on September 11th, 1973? This new dictator (Pinochet for those of you who have never heard of this before, and I am sure there are some) who the U.S put in power killed thousands of people for pretty much the same reason as Saddam did... Nobody speaks of that though, and it seemed fine to everyone except the Chilean people, who will ALWAYS remember the date September 11th, for other reasons than the U.S. will. My apologies for bringing this tragic event up as well... But it just so happened to be the same day.
I also VERY MUCH apologize to those of you American members who are not like the people who I have just described. I know that there are a great many of you who are not at all like that, who DO in fact realize there are places elsewhere in the world, and I do not mean to generalize. The fact of the matter is though, that a great deal of the population IS in fact in that boat, hence the wide-spread hatred of Americans. If you know the capital of Italy, or Spain, or India for that matter, without having to look in a book, then you are not part of these people. Sorry again.
(And it was me, the dumb Candian that an American tourist came up to while I was in India, and asked if he could buy my Canadian flag which was sewn to my bag. I didn't just conjure that up. I have heard other stories of this happening as well throughout Europe, happening to other friends of mine, and I thought it was bollocks, but sure enough, I was proven wrong.)
I am sure that I am not going to be very popular after this post, but I just felt the need to tell it like it is... No beating around the bush (and no pun intended, either).
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
My 47 cents
I saw F911 the other day. I didn't see any new info, so I just sorta coasted through it.
I was surprised that Moore didn't hit on how the Bush family's fortune was built on dealings with Hitler and the Nazi party.
I'm not ashamed!
Wade, if that was your quick 2 cents, I'd hate to see the whole dollar! ;)
There are idiots in every freakin' country.
There are/has been freakin' idiots running every country.
We're lucky and free enough to question our government. Some countries may whack your pee-pee if you question them from within.
I'd be curious to know the name of the country who hasn't done something bad enough to piss someone else off.
If someone is ashamed to be American, denounce your citizenship and move away. You'll never know how much you love something until it's gone, eh?
...and I though Bush-bashing was bad.
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
Americans aren't so much ashamed of their citizenship as they are of our current president. So if over 50% of Americans are ashamed of the President, does it make more sense for 150 million people to leave the country, or for Dubya and all his sleazy friends to leave it?
And if you're ashamed to be an American, don't give up and run away. Stay and fight. We like to brag that working to improve our country is the "American way," although just about every other western country - where they have more freedom and better public services that the U.S. does - has evolved more quickly.
I'm reminded of Al Franken's description of right-wing patriotism versus left-wing patriotism:
What you talking bout Willis?
I watched the surreal world the other day and Vanilla Ice was trying to get Gary Coleman to say his famous line "What you talkin bout Willis" as Todd Bridges (his former co star;Willis) was "in-house" but he wouldnt do it; in fact he got so pissed off he left in a cab (after much prodding from Ice I will admit, he carted Arnold around in front of the whole crowd and begged him to say it!)That was pretty foul....The thing that made HIM FAMOUS he shunned and denied.
Later in the show Vanilla Ice is in a Karioke bar and says there is no way he's singing "Ice Ice baby" period.After Eric Estrada sand kool and the gangs' "Celebrate" two of the female castmembers got up and started singing Vanillas "claim to fame".After much prodding and butchering of the original he relented; and the people loved it......The thing that made him famous, he embraced; and it was all good! I have WAY more respect for Ice than Arnold after seeing that..
p.s. I knew I liked Splatman!Damn Straight..
You know I am ashamed to be an American and proud of it to. Proud to know that i live in a country where I can say that and not have my family killed or nuts cut off. Like Harvey said I'm not ashamed of my citizenship, I know that in this country if you work hard enough and push your self you can make it. This country is great and i love living in it and being part of it but I am asheme. Ashemed that i never took the time to notice, to take voting serioiusely. Ashemed that I never wanted to get involed and let someone else speak for me. I ashemed of being ignorant to what is going on around me and me only being worried about numero uno. Ashemed that i didn't pay much attention to my political teachers than i should of. I am proud of my shame and knowing that i now want to be part of it wheather early in the events of this country or late. Hell better late then never.
You know every country has done things to get where they are at. Every person has done something that they regret at one point or another. No one is perfect and pure. You can't cry over spilled milk. You can only try to clean it up.
Weather Michel Moore is right or wrong. I don't know i wasn't there. All I know is that this is not Hitlers Germany and that its okay to voice dissaproval of the leader. I know that i will now take my voting more siriuosly now and want to know who I'm voting for even if my vote means nothing. Its my right to think and listen to different opinions and I'm proud to know that i will now take that more seriouse than before.
So if you hate me for my shame. Thats fine, good times. Go ahead but don't count me out. To be part of it, to get involved and try to make this country what it could be.
Good times
well, i dunno but this looks ....bad?
Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:59 p.m. EDT
Richard Clarke: Big Part of Moore's Movie 'a Mistake'
Former White House terrorism czar Richard Clarke, who served as a principal source for conspiracy filmmaker Michael Moore's movie "Fahrenheit 9/11," said this week that the central premise of the film is "a mistake."
In an interview with the Associated Press, Clarke took issue with Moore's criticism that President Bush allowed prominent Saudis, including members of Osama bin Laden's family, to fly out of the U.S. in the days after the 9/11 attacks.
Story Continues Below
Saying Moore's version of the episode has provoked "a tempest in a tea pot," Clarke called his decision to make the bin Laden family flyout a big part of the film's indictment against Bush "a mistake."
"After 9/11, I think the Saudis were perfectly justified ... in fearing the possibility of vigilantism against Saudis in this country. When they asked to evacuate their citizens ... I thought it was a perfectly normal request," he explained.
In May, Clarke confessed that he and he alone made the decision to approve the flyouts.
"It didn’t get any higher than me,” he told The Hill newspaper. "On 9/11, 9/12 and 9/13, many things didn’t get any higher than me. I decided it in consultation with the FBI.” Clarke told the 9/11 Commission the same thing in March, after first detailing the episode for Vanity Fair magazine last August - leaving plenty of time for Moore to adjust his film to the facts as recounted by his primary source.
Al Franken!?!
I'm ashamed that I liked him when he was on SNL! :p
Who said "hate" damage? Not me. Re-read my post.
I've read both posts, and they're quite similar...except you're ashamed, and I'm not.
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
True that true that.
In addition...
I love your monkies. ;)
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
It is a shame that so many GOOD Americans (such as yourselves, Splats and Damage, and others) get a bum reputation over all the ignorant Americans who choose to be blind to the world around them.
You see... Sometimes it takes a guy like Mike Moore, right or wrong in his film making techniques (lies or not), to raise doubt in others' minds, and start them questioning themselves. There are many who are just too patriotic, and refuse to question their country or anything against it. One thing I WILL give the Americans, which I would be very proud of if I were American is their sense of PATRIOTISM. However, there needs to be a limit to it... You can still love your country and be learned of others and skeptical of your government's practices at the same time.
And Damage, you should be proud to live in a country like the US, where you have a great deal of freedom to do as you please (with the exception of some of the questionable practices that I am sure Splatman partakes in ;) ) I was not saying to be ashamed of that at all, but rather the ignorant part of the population who gives the rest of you a bad name. Unfortunately, there is a great number of these people in the U.S.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
All the incessent talk of the filmmakers "lies" reminds me of the great scene in John Sayles' Lianna when a teacher puts up a long quote saying something to the effect of STOP WORLD COMMUNISM NOW, and through a series of edits in the text transforms it into the Communist Manifesto. This was shown in response to a student's complaint about point of view in documentary.
That is filmmaking, and art -the act of editing.
That is not government. Government's job is establish justice, promote the general welfare, adn secure the blessings of Liberty, etc.
Citizen monitoring of the government is far more important than fact checking entertainment figures. That's like Democrats lambasting Rush Limbaugh while Clinton "fast tracked" NAFTA and paid the organization later to be called qaeda to fight in Bosnia.
It's not a left/right democrat/republican thing. Its about fighting for the Republic, for American justice, for our Democratic birthright, something neither of the Bonesmen running for office really care about.
Take your foaming at lips and direct at the REAL criminals -the supporters of the PATRIOT Act, the men and women who piss on the Bill of Rights (the President can now have you SECRETLY ARRESTED without probable cause), and those who engage in foreign adventurism in the worst Executive cronyism since Warren G. Harding.
"The Passion of the Christ" earned $85 million in its first weekend.
Folks from other countries and the "ashamed" 50% of Americans that Harvey Human speaks of (I'm not sure where he's getting some of his numbers) have little knowledge of the history of how this country came into being and what it takes to preserve a nation based upon those principals generated from the colonial break from tyranny. When I was young, I did not want to die. Not for a country, not for an ancient deity, not for anything. Now I feel pretty fortunate that I live in a place where the draft has been abolished yet I still have the ability to vote, speak and write freely and travel from one side of the country to the other without fear. And I can worship that ancient deity without fear of persecution or death (doing it without ridicule is another matter, however).
This president may not be as eloquent as previously highly-regarded and highly-revered presidents have been, but he is plain-speaking and resolute. Abraham Lincoln hated getting in front of crowds and public speaking. Theodore Roosevelt had a high squeaky voice. If George W. Bush is guilty of being cautious with his words and a few grammatical transpositions, God help me if ever have to speak before any of you.
It befuddles me that pages of diatribes have been argued here over some raw connection between the Bushes and the Saudi family in the days after 9-11, that the war on Iraq is still being prosecuted on these strings days after the handover, and yet no one is concerned about the seepage of chemical weapons to Syria, chest-beating in Iran, and continued starvation in North Korea. Bush made his "Axis of Evil" address over two years ago. He called attention to the fact that we need to be focused. Not patriotic, not vitriolic, not non-commital. Focused.
Think about this when you speak of how the French or some other some-such nation "hates" us. If they really hated us so much, and disagreed with our positions and beliefs so strongly, why didn't they stop us? Suppose that Operation Restoring Freedom was unilateral (40 countries went into Iraq with us, by the way). Would the French and Germans have stopped us? The French didn't stop the Germans in WWII. They sided with whoever was on the winning side. Why should we take such stock in what they say?
At the risk of being regionalist, I must say you folks in Canada and California are dogging the wrong guy. You're inevitably biting the hand that feeds you. George W. Bush is not the enemy. The terrorists who flew those planes into the World Trade Center towers are the enemy. Saddam Hussein was the enemy. Colin Powell is not the enemy. The madrassas are the enemy. Donald Rumsfeld (who by the way, ran to the fire when Flight 77 hit the Pentagon) is not the enemy. The wild-eyed mullahs who hold sway over their illiterate congregations are our enemies. Folks in those countries do not have 2nd Amendment rights. They cannot defend themselves from a state that imposes its tyranny at will. If they all hate us, then the culture needs to be changed. To change the culture, we have to start with a state.
I have a wife and child, but if I am called, by God I will go, just as my father and great uncle did in WWII. Without them, who knows what the state of affairs would be now.
Would YOU want to go up against the U.S. if you were in France or Germany's shoes? The U.N. tried to stop them. Other nations (including my own) refused to take part. However, the US still went through with it, and that is fine... Their perogative, and no, I am not saying they were 100% right. The US has been making judgement errors in foreign policy for a number of years, and I believe that there was some error in their judgement on this one as well. Water under the bridge though.
However... Go travelling... Wear a big "stars and stripes" on your back as your travel through Europe, or Asia, or South America. See what happens. See how helpful the locals are towards you. It is a shame, because I know a great deal of great Americans, but this is just the way that it is I am afraid.
EXCUSE ME? Sorry, but I have to point out that ithis is just the attitude I was speaking about. Believeing that the US is the center of our universe. Believing that the US is there, and without them, we would all starve and rot in hell is a very egotistical statement to make, and very ignorant. Yes, we capitalize on the US, as any other country would. However, we would survive without 'em too. We would find other means to do business (yes, there are other countries). You know... the U.S. capitalizes on us up here too... Business is carried out world-wide - Not just within the US's borders.
I did not say anything about GWB being the enemy at all... I did not say that anyone was the enemy.
At any rate, I did not want to piss anyone off, or throw anyone into a frenzy. I hope that I was not too harsh or blunt in my posts. I certainly do not want to make any enemies... Just one guy's opinion I guess.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
I'd say you were right on the money...
It seems to be a common belief that the only solution to the foreign problems of the world is violence... we cannot keep all the things we have without a show of force... but so long as the big guy seeks to keep the little guy under his thumb, violence will always beget more violence... ironically, I would've thought that American history would've taught them that.
he was? when was he a threat to the usa?
and what does "the passion of the christ" box office have anything to do with this discussion?
I extrapolated that number, which was actually "OVER 50%," from Bush's disproval rating, which is well over 50%.
If some of you are so in favor of Bush's wars, why don't you put your money where your mouths are and enlist? There is a term for those who cheer for wars but are too "busy" to fight:

For more information, please visit the Chickenhawk database. Thank you. Come again.
have YOU ever served?
Ahhhh,more "wisdom" and legitimate factual ground to stand on by way of political cartoons.Tell ya what Harvey ol gal, my Grandfather (served in WW2) my uncle (served in Vietnam)two cousins and myself all have one thing to say to you; you're WELCOME!Welcome for the right to show what a complete idiot and ungrateful person you are.You're Welcome for the protection our armed forces provide while snivelling cowards like you and Mikey Moore would rather appease madmen who want you and all your friends DEAD; BY ANY MEANS AVAILABLE!
and to dxv-
your statement really isnt worthy of a response but...Saddam never a threat?Pull your heed out of the sand for a moment and broaden your narrow mind..he was not only a threat to the US but to the entire world.Remember the Israelis bombing his nuclear facilities?What do you think that was all about; target practice???
And pray tell why doesnt Richard ever get off the soapbox and actually answer a question?Did Saddam support terrorists?Its painfully obvious that you and some of the others here have a selective input valve and offer nothing in the way of objective debate.The capability to strike the US may be in question; the INTENT is and never was questionable.The primary target of terror attacks are Americans (even those who support appeasement!Imagine that?) If you cant see that, your blind and dumber that a fence post to boot!
What exactly does a person do with a Boeing 707 hull bombed out in the middle of the desert ;other than train hijackers???!!!(confirmed by the UN at Salman Pak terrorists training camp)So are ALL the Iraqis who say Saddam had terror and nuclear aspirations just liars?How bout the guys who had thier hands chopped off by Saddam!?Who then subsequently came to the bad ol USA to have doctors attach state of the art prostetics for them?(wow theres a story none of the Harvey Humans of the world would ever want you to hear; the us doing something good?!Gasp!)
So me and my family have done our time; WHAT ABOUT YOU?Any body in your family ever serve to protect those rights you flaunt and abuse (in my opinion) on a regular basis?I seriously doubt it.Semper Fi, I wasnt a marine but the statement fits.ONCE AGAIN YOU'RE WELCOME!
Uh oh, Swankaman's blown another gasket. Thanks for proving once again what emotionally-immature lunatics right-wingers are. These are the people we want in control of our country? the Cheney "go-f**k-yourself"s and their ilk?
Assuming you're telling the truth about your service, do us all another favor: re-enlist.
you first..
Oh so my one tour wasnt enough for ya?My families service not good enough for ya?Again.....
Here is a shirt Im sure you will enjoy
wear it proudly!
I'll answer you're question "Swankaman", if that is your real name.
Saddam Hussein gave less support to terrorists than our own government. If his history with "terrorists" is reason for his ouster, then by gum what are we doing with one American administration after another who give them greater support?
Now answer a question of mine. Since your lineage clearly makes you a great patriot, what do you say to Section 802 of the PATRIOT which calls all infractions against the state (like, say a parking ticket) an act of terrorism? What do you say to the further legislation that calls for terrorist crimes to be automatically punished by death, or life in a forced labor camp?
What do you think of the suspension of habeus corpus throughout the land? Or, to keep in Latin, the discarding of posse comitatus so federal armed forces can now police our streets?
What do you think of secret arrests?
What do you think of being forced to answer any question posed by the police?
What do you think of "free-speech" zones?
How about torture and Rumsfeld's Orwellian "double think"? How 'bout that photo of Don shaking hands with Hussein from like '86 when Rummy was representing a big CHEMICAL WEAPONS SELLER?
Is this what your forefathers fought for?
Why are you fighting an Arab bogeyman when you should be fighting for the democratic legacy of America?
"To those who cry out about phantoms lost liberties -I say this: YOU WILL LOSE YOUR LIBERTY." US Attorney General, John Ashcroft
Swank, I'm not exactly sure why you even replied to my cartoonish post. Clearly I was referring to Chickenhawks, "a person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it." You seem to be claiming that you DID fight in a war: that you fought off Nazis or Soviets with your bare fists in order to keep me safe. So, if you're not actually a Chickenhawk (one who doesn't fight), why would you take offense to my "chickenhawk" reference, unless you're either lying about your service or carrying some guilt about never actually seeing combat?
You might consider re-enlisting, seeing some actual combat this time around, and getting that garsh-awful guilt off your sunken chest.
ill get right on it!
Actually i think its you have some hollow feelings about yourself thus the humor defense mechanism everytime someone presents you with questions you cant answer?!Then you issue the company line "chickenhawk, neo con, Bush baaaaad!"Troll pictures and Tom tomorrow cartoons just dont do it girlfriend!Note;you STILL didnt say whether you served or not?WHAT A SURPRISE!!!!I didnt fight in a war,but at the time of my service we were on heavy alert with the whole Libya issue, when Ghadafi was bumping his gums.NEVER have i said anything about ME serving in combat..Prove it!Quote me all you like!
Did YOU ever serve???????????? (anything other than that fat mushy butt of yours another hamburger???)Did you get your free saddam t-shirt?Get one for Richard too!Ill answer your questions too Dick as soon as I get home,i seriously doubt a parking ticket will warrant "terrorism" charges.Show me ONE single case WHERE THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!?BTW WHAT DOES ONE USE THE BOEING 707 HULL FOR AGAIN CLASS???????Arab boogeymen?What a laugh!You cant be serious?Well Osama is real and so is Al Queerda you dont believe so check out some of the beheading videos for a glimpse of how "real" they are...
...turn your back for one day, and see all the fun that I miss!?! ;)
Actually, I don't think anyone on this thread is going to change anyone elses opinion, but oh well!
United we stand, devided we fall...wierd, huh? Some people want to hurt us, real bad. I hope it doesn't happen again.
Read and/or confirm facts...that's all.
I'm bowing out. I gotta animate.
(I WILL be bopping in on animation threads, tho!)
Group hug!!!
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
I appreciate the laughs, Swank. I never actually read your entire posts, but every time I skim another ALL-CAPS PHRASE or another string of question marks or exclamation marks (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????), I find myself rolling on the floor laughing at the concept of such an emotional infant pretending to fight off evil-doers and other dastardly villians. (yuk yuk yuk,,,,,,,,,,,,,) :D
yeah you should talk..
and my Fisher Price type?????????!!!!!!!!!!
Still no answer on SERVING EH?
Ill take that as a resounding "no" then...
Maybe the IQ standards were too high?Or was it the weight limit?Well thats cool, now I see why your so steamed at the military and take a big dump on our troops every chance you get...still bitter I guess?
Ill show you mine,
and you show me yours.Once again for the sake of credibility Ill present you with proof and not some smarmy rant.Here we are on bivouc ;Im in the middle and Im shooting you the bird in case you cant tell..(man it gets cold in South Carolina!)Do you know what a dd214 is?I do.I have one.I guess I could always post a political cartoon to make my point but that little "clever" method has been taken!Durn...
I've never considered you to be the Fischer Price type, even though you have the mind of an infant.
By serving, you mean military service? No, I've never served in the military. So friggin' what?
Does that mean I'm not allowed to criticize my government? Only soldiers and veterans are allowed to critique the president? Well, whichever country you live in, it certainly ain't AMERICA. See, in my AMERICA, every citizen is free to criticize his or her government at any time or place. The opinions of non-combatants are just as valid as the opinions of combatants. As a professed non-combatant, you should realize this.
By the way, I'd like to finally thank you for your non-combatant service, during which you performed drills so you could get college money in defense of my freedom. hallelujah
Oh really?Performing drills for college money!Oh poor me!So what?Go ask the next Veteran you know about how he feels about the war, or tell him your views on it face to face not behind your little Internet persona!Heres a small bit of info for you Hemmroid.I got out in 88.We launched the war 2 days before my 23rd birthday, i was still in inactive ready reserve and eligible to be called up at a moments notice.By the grace of God I was not, but you want to insult my service by dismissing it in such a fashion?That right there tells me everything I need to know about you, you want credibility but provide nothing that would deem you worthy as far as I can tell.Yes any citizen can criticize their government and any other citizen can tell you to get bent!Thanks for affirming my belief that you are someone who can talk the talk; but thats about it buddy!In my America there is a thing called respect for the troops and common decency (something you seem to sorely lack?)Being from New York Im surprised to see such apathetic views on Terrorism and those who support it?Or were you part of the party celebrating?Ive never seen a single instance of you actually saying, Saddam was bad.Oh those guys getting their heads chopped off is gruesome!North Korea could be a threat?Palestenians dressing their kids up as suicide bombers is offensive!You never seem to have any of the endless venom for anyone other than bush.THAT is my problem with you Hamster.Dont like it?well tough luck, you've had an uncontested drive to the hoop for awhile now.I love America and you say you do; but you are always talking solely about Iraqis civilians killed by bush?Hey how come the tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians who were killed by Saddam dont enrage you?Oh I guess cause Saddam was killing them (among others in his history) it was okay!?Hey thanks for not blasting me with the huge letters (kinda goes in and out huh?A genius like yourself I'd have thought you could figure it out but..)and some witty cartoon.
Wow, now there's a full on conflict in here. You know what I say, vote osama. Here in the UK we've had terrorism for pretty much ever, I remember right through the eighties when the IRA would blow up a pub a week, or so it seemed at the time, you see us bombing ireland??
How was it all reconciled, (well, so far so good) oddly enough by giving the former terrorist leaders/spokesperson (Adams) a flippin political voice.
I dunno, you people get a taste of this once in how many years since pearl harbour and you act like the worlds leading authority on how to rectify things, all you've one is stir up a real big hornets nest.
Try paragraphs, Swank. They make your lengthy posts much easier to skim. As is, I only read your first and last sentences. :( Thanks for the sleeping pill.