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Sketches from the River Run Film festival and Beyond!

Ty B. Bear is just floating away during the River Run Festival

This past week was another "burner". We drove up to Winston-Salem, NC. for the River Run International Film Festival and our son Matt was performing as Romeo in Romeo and Juliet at NCSA. Both events were amazing!

The River Run Festival was VERY, VERY well programmed. It opened Wednesday night with Paris, Je T'Ame a wonderful film with 18 vignettes from the different sections of the "City of Lights". The actors were wonderful! Animation Director Sylvain Chomet even did one of the live-action vignettes about how 2 mimes meet.

There were documentaries, shorts, animated shorts and some morning talks at local venues and cafes with a focus on animation. OUT OF OUR MINDS ANIMATION STUDIO hosted many of the programs. Folks from PIXAR were there to participate in a panel discussion and to host their own event. Other animators from R & H, Blue Sky also participated.

This time I attended as a civilian animator- that gave me time before, during and after the events to draw.

Here are a few sketches....

Here is a view out of the window from a new coffeehouse on Tybee Island

This is a composite sketch over a 1/2 hour stretch of time. These people in line, just came and went. The fellow is the ball cap is drawn twice

Here are some folks from Performance Place on the NCSA campus

In the the case of the rather "plump" security guard- I couldn't stand there and draw - as an artist. I was attracted by the line from his spine down and around to his bum - that was my starting point (once I sat down in inside the theater).

The last location on this drawing is inside Leapold's Ice Cream Parlor. Stratton Leopold's father and brothers had a store 40 or 50 years ago and about three years ago Strattan and his wife Mary recreated the store. Strattan is a film producer, SUM of ALL FEARS, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 to name just a couple. Anyhow... that's where the movieola came from...