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Idiots' Diary #20: What's With the LA Times?

It’s Friday, Oct. 29. I’m in Los Angeles for the premiere of I&A (Idiots and Angels). It opens tonight and I’m not a very happy camper. Even though the L.A. Weekly gave my film a wonderful review and a great article, the all-important L.A. Times refused to review the film!

It’s Friday, Oct. 29. I’m in Los Angeles for the premiere of I&A (Idiots and Angels). It opens tonight and I’m not a very happy camper. Even though the L.A. Weekly gave my film a wonderful review and a great article, the all-important L.A. Times refused to review the film!

Oh my god! That’s not a good way to get the people in the seats. The L.A. Times is the newspaper of record for the humongous film industry here in La La Land. I don’t know what happened. I sent them a screener. Both my agents have contacted them about the review. In fact, they even printed a wonderful article about the film (albeit 2 weeks ago), so I’m mystified as to why I’ve been ignored.

Last night I did a wonderful event at the great music and DVD store, Amoeba, while the fun rockabilly band “Sidewynders” played on stage. I joined them with a large art pad and a sharpie and drew my interpretation of the 5-piece combo as they performed. The audience loved it and after I sold DVD’s of my previous feature, Hair High. I heard the artwork will be auctioned off and the money goes to a deserving charity.

Next Monday, Nov. 1, I do a much anticipated talk and screening with the great animation sage Jerry Beck at the Cinefamily Theatre here in L.A. So if you’re in the area, please come by. I will be showing some very rare films and sneak previews.

But before that I’ll be introducing and doing Q&A at the Laemmle’s Sunset 5 Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights (the film plays for a week), that is, if the L.A. Times doesn’t try to sabotage the weekend. Facebook all your friends if you live in the L.A. area. I need a packed house.


Bill Plympton