CONSTANTINE (2005) (**1/2)

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The film is a good set-up for future adventures, but that’s this film’s major problem. John Constantine (Keanu Reeves, THE MATRIX) is a lost soul who struggles with his mission in life — making amends for past sins and winning his way back into heaven by battling demons on Earth. He’s desperate to do so, because he’s dying of lung cancer and hell would be extra hellish for him, because of all the demons he has vanquished on Earth.

The halfling angel Gabriel (Tilda Swinton, DEEP END) pretty much rules heaven out for Constantine because he has always been out for himself. Constantine is helped by his anxious sidekick Chas (Shia LaBeouf, SHALL WE DANCE?), magical weapons expert Beeman (Max Baker, LIFE OR SOMETHING LIKE IT) and nervous, alcoholic priest Hennessy (Pruitt Taylor Vince, NURSE BETTY). Trying to keep the balance between good and evil is former witch doctor turned bar owner Papa Midnite (Djimon Hounsou, IN AMERICA), who serves psychics like Constantine as well as halfling demons like cocky and suave Balthazar (Gavin Rossdale, LITTLE BLACK BOOK). Cop Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz, THE MUMMY) contacts Constantine to help her discover whether her twin sister Isabel actually committed suicide or was really murdered.

Music video director Francis Lawrence makes his feature film debut with this film. Many music video/ commercial directors turned feature directors suffer from one common problem — style over substance. Lawrence creates a great look and tone for the film and avoids a “look at me, look at me” style that takes away from the narrative. The production design work in excellent and the cinematography is great. But where the film hits bumps is with its set-up, which is a problem with the script.

Constantine keeps saying that the demons are planning something really big, but that story seems so secondary to Angela’s dilemma. The two threads are brought together, but not in a truly engaging way. The film did well enough that a sequel is probably certain, so I hope they are able to develop the true potential of the material, which is steeped in Catholic lore. This is an act one that doesn’t work on its own. Comic and action fans should certainly check it out. Others should do an EXORCIST/ HELLBOY double feature instead.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks