The Animattikon Project, the international animation festival of Paphos, Cyprus, produced annually since 2017 by Kimonos Art Center, is organizing the edition of a collection of articles on the subject of “Animation in Times of Plague”.
The Animattikon Project, the international animation festival of Paphos, Cyprus, produced annually since 2017 by Kimonos Art Center, is organizing the edition of a collection of articles on the subject of “Animation in Times of Plague”.
Kimonos Art Center calls animators, festival directors, academics, journalists, theorists and other animation aficionados to contribute to the edition with articles, essays and thought-pieces about:
- The depiction of sickness in animation
- Analysis of animated films of any genre that treat the subject of sicknesses, epidemics or pandemics
- Case studies on animated films produced by directors during periods of pandemic or directors who were going through illnesses during the production of the films
- The subject of confinement depicted or suggested in animated films, or how it impacted the production of films
- Theoretical propositions on the eventual impact the current COVID-19 pandemic will have in animation production worldwide
- The eventual impact the pandemic may have on the experience of movie-going, especially given the fact that it happened in the midst of a paradigm shift of the ways films are produced by studios, distributed by companies and received by audiences, due to the rise of streaming services and platforms
The topics proposed are not exclusive. Other subjects relevant to the wider theme of sickness and animation are welcome and will be equally considered.
Rules and regulations:
- All articles submitted must be in English.
- Final articles should not exceed 15000 words
- Articles should be the original work of the authors who submit them. Collective and collaborative articles are welcome as well. All authors should be duly credited in the article.
- The deadline for submissions is the 30th of March 2021.
- Selections will be announced at the beginning of May 2021.
- The final articles should be sent at the latest by the 31st of July.
- The volume is not an academic review or journal. The articles submitted do not need to follow any specific academic format or standard. The volume is destined to be read by the wider public.
- The project is a non for profit initiative of Kimonos Art Center. The authors will maintain the copyrights of their work and may publish their articles elsewhere should they wish to.
- At the same time, they acknowledge the Center’s right to publish the article in the volume and to publish parts of it online and in press releases for promotional purposes.
- Additionally, all authors will receive five copies of the published volume and will have a 20% discount, should they wish to purchase more.
- The volume will be published and distributed both physically and digitally by Kimonos Art Center and sold at the price of 15 euros.
- For further questions please contact The Animattikon Project’s team at