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This is a truly unique opportunity. Three-day professional workshops and exclusive masterclasses run by prominent figures of world animation are one of several reasons to come to Poland on 8-12 October. During the Animarkt Stop Motion Forum 2019 Barry Purves, Juan Soto, Angela Poschet, and Christine Polis will share their knowledge with participants. Applications for workshops and masterclasses can be submitted until 5th September, the participation is free.

This is a truly unique opportunity. Three-day professional workshops and exclusive masterclasses run by prominent figures of world animation are one of several reasons to come to Poland on 8-12 October. During the Animarkt Stop Motion Forum 2019 Barry Purves, Juan Soto, Angela Poschet, and Christine Polis will share their knowledge with participants. Applications for workshops and masterclasses can be submitted until 5th September, the participation is free.

Professional workshops and masterclasses are, together with pitching and a business panel, one of the three main sections of ANIMARKT Stop Motion Forum 2019 – the most important event related to puppet animation in Central and Eastern Europe. “Workshop meetings are organised for young artists and those who take their first steps in film production. The groups are small so as to ensure comfortable working conditions and direct contact with the workshop leaders,” says Paulina Zacharek from Animarkt. In order to participate, you need to read the rules of recruitment, fill in the application form and attach the required materials. You can do this at Each trainer will personally choose his or her participants.

The animation direction workshop will be run for the first time in Poland by Barry JC Purves, a charismatic idol of young-generation artists, with nominations to Oscar and BAFTA. During the three days (8 – 10 October) the participants may expect many practical exercises that will help them improve their skills in the scope of stop-motion technique. The trainer will teach participants some of his tricks and share the insights gained during 41 years of working in animation and storytelling.

At the same time (8 – 10 October) there is also planned a stop-motion animation workshop with Juan Soto, who has worked for productions such as of My life as a Zucchini by Claude Barras, winner of many awards, and a highly popular film The Pirates! dubbed by Hugh Grant, Salma Hayek and Martin Freeman. The artist will run workshops devoted to characters’ movement in stop-motion animation, at the centre of which will be smooth and expressive gestures of the puppets and their convincing, realistic behaviour. He will explain to participants the 12 most important stop-motion rules in series of practical exercises.

Apart from the three-day workshops, there will also be master lectures open to the public as well as consultations that require preregistration. One of such presentations will be run by Christine Polis, an artist that since 2002 has been creating puppets, structures for animation, scenography, and prompts. During an open case study (9 October) she will talk about her work on puppets for many international productions. She will focus on the puppet creation process, so it performs its functions well and can fulfil all the tasks assigned to it in the screenplay. She will demonstrate how difficult, precise and technically and artistically demanding is the art of puppet creation. She will also provide consultation to 5 projects of her choice.

The masterclass by Angela Poschet (11 October), on the other hand, is a unique opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of award-winning production coordinator, in whose portfolio there is Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson or the Oskar-nominated Frankenweenie by Tim Burton. The case study she has prepared, open for the public, will focus on certain aspects of production – from planning to budget management, to organisation. Producers and production managers, as well as directors making their debut in puppet animation can also benefit from free individual consultation with Poschet.

ANIMARKT STOP MOTION FORUM is Poland’s first and Central and Eastern Europe’s prime international event devoted exclusively to stop motion and puppet animation. It is a unique meeting venue of the field’s top artists, craftsmen, producers, distributors, broadcasters, and investors. Its diversified program offers a unique combination of workshop and vocation-oriented elements on the one hand with networking and business-to-business meetings on the other, while the pitching of short puppet animations is a unique opportunity for artists. The forthcoming 4th edition of the Animarkt will be held in Łódź between 8 and 12 October 2019. Entry to all ANIMARKT Stop Motion Forum events is free of charge, but registration is necessary due to a limited number of places.

MOMAKIN, the organizer of the ANIMARKT STOP MOTION FORUM, is a business partner for animation. It offers professional support to animation projects at every stage of their development. It brings together artists, producers, and distributors. It boasts an immense portfolio of talents from all over the world and numerous successful ventures home and abroad.

Animarkt Stop Motion Forum is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Polish Film Institute. The main partner of the event is EC1 Łódź - City of Culture and Łódź Film Commission. All the events of the fourth edition of ANIMARKT will take place in the EC1 complex, which is located in the redeveloped buildings of the first commercial power plant in Łódź, which was established in 1907 and operated until 2000. Currently it is an open space for various cultural and scientific activities, which is the seat of the EC1 Science and Technology Centre, the National Centre for Film Culture, the Łódź Film Commission and the Centre for Comics and Interactive Narration.

Contact for the press:

Monika Kuśmirek-Zyzik