Les Assises de Lyon
Jean-Luc Ballester talks how a 1983 government proposal changed the French animation industry and how the major entertainment union used it to improve working conditions for animation artists.
Louise Beaudet: A Passion For Animation
Front half of cover illustration by Jacques Drouin from the Tribute to Louise Beaudet issue of the ASIFA-Canada magazine (September 1996).On January 3, Louise Beaudet, perhaps the most famous and respected animation archivist in the world died of lung cancer. In her role as curator of Montrl's Cinathue Quecoise, she more than helped fulfill that organization's special interest in animation. Herein are a few thoughts by some of the people who knew and/or worked with her. But first, to provide some general background, we start off with the two part press...
Louise Beaudet: une passion pour l'animation
The Career Coach reflects on the events of September 11, 2001 and calls for us to work toward our goals and dreams today.
Renzo Kinoshita: A Talk With Miyasan Sadao Miyamoto
Will Ryan asks Mike Kazaleh slightly fewer than ten questions regarding getting started in Detroit, comic books and the benefits of working for hire...
Confessions of a Festival Juror
Maureen Furniss recounts her experiences as a member of the Ottawa 96 selection committee, providing some friendly advice from her and her fellow jurors.
Mancia Musings
Wherein the Museum of Modern Art's Adrienne Mancia reminisces to Mark Langer about her past efforts in animation programming and her thoughts about the state of the craft today.
Bruxelles, The Festival
Philippe Moins, the Festival's founder, presents the whys and wherefore's of the event which starts off each festival year.
Festival Programming
Many time festival programmer and juror Otto Adler provides his viewpoint on the ins and outs of selecting and programming films.
Bruxelles, le Festival
Philippe Moins, the Festival's founder, presents the whys and wherefore's of the event which starts off each festival year.
Il Paese degli animali
Are you wondering what to give someone, who works in animation or aspires to this holiday season? Well, wonder no more. The Career Coach has the answer.
Festival Reasonings
A international selection of filmmakers, executives and others share their thoughts about why animators should consider sending their works to festivals.
Il Paese degli animali (Animaland)
Danny Fingeroth spins through the new book by Michael Mallory that covers everything Marvel in big, bold and glossy pages.
To Be or Not To Be An ASIFA-Sanctioned Festival
Chris Robinson, Director of the Ottawa Festival takes a hard look at the relationships between festivals and the international animators' association which accredits them.
La Freccia Azzurra
Scarafoni in La Freccia Azzurra by Enzo d'Alò.Usa il computer in maniera raffinatissima, questo film: cosraffinata che quasi non si vede. Guidata dal cervello elettronico, la sua macchina da presa compie carrellate ed evoluzioni che sarebbero possibili solo nel cinema "dal vero"; disegnati dai pixel, i suoi personaggi arrivano a disporsi su 30-40 livelli in profonditdi campo, rimanendo tutti perfettamente a fuoco. questo uno dei segreti della fondamentale leggerezza di un film che non assomiglia a nessun altro, e che riesce a narrare una divertente e gentile fiaba...
Rendezvous In Annecy: An Interview With Jean-Luc Xiberras
Annick Teninge talks with the current director of Annecy, the granddaddy of all animation festivals, about how and why it has changed over the years.
La Freccia Azzurra (The Blue Arrow)
La Freccia Azzurra (The Blue Arrow) is a film that uses computers in a highly refined manner; so much so, that one hardly notices. Guided by an electronic brain, its camera is able to execute tracking shots and pans which one only thought possible in a live-action movie; drawn with pixels, the film's characters are seen across 30-40 levels, with each one staying in perfect focus. This is one of the secrets to the basic "lightness" of a film like no other, one which tells an amusing and fun-loving fairy tale set in the 30s, with the touch of a modern electronic storyteller. Scarafoni...
Rendezvous In Annecy: An Interview With Jean-Luc Xiberras
Annick Teninge talks with the current director of Annecy, the granddaddy of all animation festivals, about how and why it has changed over the years. [
Yvette Kaplan On the Beavis and Butt-head Watch
Janet Benn provides a case study of the role played by Animation Director Yvette Kaplan on Beavis and Butt-head Do America, while saying more than a little about who Yvette is.
Editor's Notebook
Beavis and Butt-head Do America
Many time festival programmer and juror Otto Adler provides his viewpoint on the ins and outs of selecting and programming films.
Animation Festivals: A Brief History
Bruno Edera probes the history of international animation festivals, showing their origin goes back further than most people think.
Festivals de Films d'Animation
Bruno Edera probes the history of international animation festivals, showing their origin goes back further than most people think.