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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

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Animation Art Online: AWN Launches The Animation World Store

The Internet has long been lauded as a tool of great potential for the distribution of not only ideas and knowledge but also merchandise. Last month Animation World Network (AWN), publishers of Animation World Magazine, launched the first Internet commerce venture devoted entirely to distributing animation merchandise. The Animation World Store's virtual doors opened with a special selection of both exclusive and limited edition animation art. "There is tremendous potential for the Internet as a means for distribution. AWN plans to explore that fully, ...


Speed Racer Lives Again: An Interview With J.J. Sedelmaier

Everybody's favorite animated race car driver is turning 30. With all eyes on Speed and crew, we decided to interview J.J. Sedelmaier about his award winning Volkswagen commercial and Elizabeth Moran's new book, Speed Racer: The Official 30th Anniversary Guide.
