The New Animation Technology Exposition and Conference Viewed and Reviewed
Pixar technology chief and executive vice president Ed Catmull gave an early morning keynote address at the New Animation Technology Expo. Photo courtesy of Pixar.Once again the World Animation Celebration has come and gone, transforming the Pasadena Civic center into an extremely happy (but not "The Happiest") place on Earth. For many Los Angeles-based industry professionals the Celebration is like an animator's New Years, a time to reflect and take stock of progress and change, as well as set resolutions and goals for the next Celebration. One indispensable element of the...
On a Desert Island with....Pre-Production People
we asked people involved in animation pre-production to tell us what animated films they would want with them if they were stranded on a desert island
Tuning in to the IBCTA
The IBCTA panel on "Finding a Niche." Front row, left-right: moderator Fred Seibert, panelists Bill Kopp, Sue Rose, and back row: Corky Quakenbush, Brown Johnson and Mike Lazzo. Photo by and Craig Skinner/Celebrity Photo, courtesy of WAC.
As I, a hopeful creator/future filmmaker for non-violent media, planned my trip to the second year of the World Animation Celebration, there were a variety of topics at this year's International Business Conference of Television Animation (IBCTA) that caught my eye. Abuzz with energy, a standing room only crowd of people from as far as...
World Summit for Feature Films and Visual Effects
Robert Abel's keynote speech was one of the highlights of the World Summit for Feature Films and Visual Effects. Photo by and © Craig Skinner/Celebrity Photo, courtesy of WAC.Over the course of two days and six panel discussions, some of the most influential people in live-action effects and animation shared their views on where they think the animation industry is today and what its direction will take in the future. These panels marked the first meeting of the World Summit for Feature Films and Visual Effects. The summit is a new annual event being offered as part of the World Animation...
George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film
Located in Rochester, New York, Eastman House has an extensive and fascinating collection of films and stills. Animation highlights include retrospectives and a collection of pre-cinema animation devices.
Thinking about the World Animation Celebration '98
Ray Harryhausen, who brought puppets from the production of his stop-motion visual effects, was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award by modern-day counterpart, Ken Ralston. © Craig Skinner/Celebrity Photo, courtesy of WAC.Well, here I am after a week of WAC and I'm pretty much none the worse for the wear. Then again, I spent a full day at the Internet Pow-Wow on Monday, took Tuesday completely off, went to only a few events on Wednesday and Thursday then attended solid screenings between 1 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. Some of my friends who attended the festival did a lot more and they had the...
Who's Data Is That Anyway?
Gregory Peter Panos, founding co-director of the Performance Animation Society, describes a new frontier of dilemmas, the politics of performance animation.
Wallace & Gromit Spur Worldwide Licensing Activity
Karen Raugust takes a look at the marketing machine behind everyone's favorite clay characters, Wallace & Gromit.
The Havana Connection
Cesar Coelho takes us to the most important film event in Latin cinema, The 19th International Festival of New Latin-American Cinema, held in Havana, Cuba.
California Summer School for the Arts: More Than an Education
Jon Roslyn profiles an in-depth, unique summer school program designed for extremely talented and driven artistic youths.
Boldly Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Barry J.C. Purves shared his sentiments on the coming of the computer. Now Barry's back to share his thoughts on the last two years that have been both exhilarating and disappointing for him.
The New Maya Sets Sail
On February 1, Alias|Wavefront is beginning to ship their latest animation software, Maya and Maya Artisan. Max Sims is here to tell us how it compares and what we can expect from this new tool.
Editor's Notebook
How'd They Do That?: Stop-Motion Secrets Revealed
We asked six stop-motion maestros to reveal a few tricks of the trade. Henry Selick, Barry Purves, David Fain, Andrew Ruhemann, Voltaire and Mikk Rand responded with an odd assortment of ingredients that may be useful to you in your next stop-motion film.
At Last, Foam Puppet Fabrication Explained!
How does one build an armature from scratch and end up with a professional foam puppet? Tom Brierton is here to take us through the steps and offer advice.
His Mother's Voice: Dennis Tupicoff's New Documentary
Emru Townsend reviews Dennis Tupicoff's new animated documentary, His Mother's Voice, an exploration of an unexpected death.
The International Museum of Cartoon Art
Relocated from New York City, a unique collection of original cartoon art exists in Boca Raton, Florida. From comic books and strips to magazine illustrations, find out why it is worth the trip...
A Conversation With.... Chris Walker and Corky Quakenbush
In a small, quiet cafe, motion-capture pioneer Chris Walker and outrageous stop-motion animator Corky Quakenbush got together for lunch and discovered that even though their techniques may appear to be night and day, they actually have a lot in common.
Contato em Havana
O Programa do Festival Internacional do Novo Cinema Latino-Americano.O Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latino-americano mais uma raz para se visitar Cuba no inio de Dezembro. Em sua 19 edio, o Festival de Havana o maior evento cinematogrico inteiramente dedicado ao cinema latino, sendo muito prestigiado junto aos produtores, diretores e artistas destes paes. Ree longas, mias e curtas metragens de fico, documentios, um concurso de cartazes e de roteiros e, at last but...
Dirdy Birdy
Independent German filmmaker Kirsten Winter describes her unique pre-production process of working with composer Elena Kats-Chernin, while developing her visuals.
Digital Cinematography: A Good Place to Start
Bill Fleming reviews Ben de Leeuw's Digital Cinematography, a book that discusses the art of storytelling in 3-D computer animation.
Little Big Estonia: The Nukufilm Studio
On the 40th anniversary of Estonia's Nukufilm, Heikki Jokinen went for a visit to profile the puppet animation studio and their place in the post-Soviet world.
The World Animation Celebration: Here It Comes
Joy Kennelly highlights the different events of the World Animation Celebration which will be held in Pasadena, California February 16-21.