Tooning in the 1998 Fall Season
Joseph K. Bevilacqua highlights what's new in animation for the U.S. 1998/99 television season, from CBS to Cartoon Network.
Whose Golden Age?: Canadian Animation In The 1990s
Chris Robinson investigates the current status of animation in Canada and the tricky balance between art and industry.
Animation on the Internet: The Tools
Robert Gonzales shares his insight on the various tools currently available for creating animation on the Internet.
It Takes Three To Tango: Educators
Joe Cloninger, Director, DH Institute of Media Arts, Santa Monica, U.S.A. Before anyone starts here we make sure the expectations are sensible and they know the great rewards as well as the harsh realities of being in this industry. We point out weaknesses and strengths that an individual may have so they are on solid ground to build a true career path. Once they get into the program we expose them to people in the industry through a lecture series and encourage them to get out and explore the industry themselves through SIGGRAPH meetings, events, conferences, user groups, etc. We also...
Below The Digital Radar
Kit Laybourne muses about the evolution of independent animation and looks "below the radar" for the growth of new emerging domains of digital animation.
It Takes Three To Tango: Industry Representatives
Kit Laybourne muses about the evolution of independent animation and looks "below the radar" for the growth of new emerging domains of digital animation.
The Animation World in the Library of Congress
As part of Animation World Magazine's monthly Hidden Treasures column on archives, Patrick Loughney, Ph.D. defines what animation treasures lie behind the massive doors of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C
It Takes Three To Tango: Students
Lyn Hart, Capilano College Commercial Animation Program, North Vancouver, B.C. Here I am; a squeaky-clean, fresh-out-of-school animation graduate. With my portfolio in hand and a slightly hesitant smile, I'm stepping out into the real world. But what has my two years of sweat and toil in Capilano College's Animation Program done for me?
For starters, it did exactly what it was supposed to do by providing me with the important basics I needed to land my first job. Some might have expected more. I must admit, I thought I was pretty hot stuff when I first began my animation education. I soon...
MIP-TV: Animation in Crisis?
Julien Dubois reports on the 1998 MIP-TV market in Cannes, revealing a troubled international marketplace for animation.
Declaration Of Independents: Independent Animation is Alive and Well in New York
Melissa Chimovitz profiles the healthy independent animation scene in New York, focusing on the work of seven animators: George Griffin, John Canemaker, Kathy Rose, Debra Solomon, Steve Dovas, Lewis Klahr, Janie Geiser.
How to be Furrific!
3-D animator Bill Fleming details the development of technologies for animating fur and hair in computer animation.
On A Desert Island With....Visionary Experimenters and Effects-Makers
A survey of animation and visual effects artists, asking, "What" ten animated films would you want to have with you if stranded on a desert island?
In Peril: France's 3-D Industry
Georges Lacroix's open letter to the French Minister of Economy, Finances and Industry and to the French Minister of Culture and Communication alerts us all to the peril that France's successful 3-D industry is currently facing, especially Lacroix's Fante which is in danger of closing.
The Association of Moving Image Archivists
Gregory Lukow introduces The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) is the world's largest professional association for film, television and video archivists.
L'industrie francaise de l'animation 3D en danger
Dans sa Lettre Ouverte au Ministre de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et des Finances et au Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, Georges Lacroix nous alerte sur le danger encouru par l'industrie de l'animation 3-D en France, et en particulier la sociFante, aujourd'hui menac de fermeture.
Stuttgart: A Splendid Festival
William Moritz reviews the ninth Stuttgart Animation Festival which took place from April 3 through April 8, 1998 in Stuttgart, Germany.
The Entertainment/Marketing/Exploitation Relationship: Two Takes
Buzz Potamkin reviews two new books: What Kids Buy and Why: The Psychology of Marketing to Kids by Dan S. Acuff and The Business of Children's Entertainment by Norma Odom Pecora.
Animated Films In Psychiatry: The Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Lausanne Cery Hospital, 1962-1981
Nag Ansorge discusses his teaching experiences at The Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Lausanne and describes the patients' animation production process as well as the films that they created. In English and French.
Le Film d'Animation en Psychiatrie Hôpital de Cery (Lausanne) - 1962 à 1981.
Nag Ansorge oque son expience d'enseignement la clinique psychiatrique de l'Universitde Lausanne, et drit le processus de production et les films d'animation realis. Article disponible en franis et en anglais.
Rotoscoping in the Modern Age
Visual effects artist Marian Rudnyk describes the rotoscoping process used for the creation of atmospheric effects in the Oscar-winning feature film, Titanic
In Passing... A Tribute to Pierre Ayma (1941-1998)
Finally, something the Pimp likes! Rex The Runt.But, this month, we see that the Animation Pimp reads a lot into this show of four dogs.
General Chaos: Uncensored Animation
Mark Segall reviews Manga Entertainment's debut theatrical compilation of short animated films, General Chaos: Uncensored Animation
En Hommage à Pierre Ayma
Annick Teninge of Animation World Network introduces a collection of tributes and remembrances by friends and students of this dynamic French educator.
Anima Animus Animation
Wendy Jackson reviews the 1998 book Anima Animus Animation, a collection of creative works by the Czech surrealist filmmaker Jan Svankmajer and painter Eva Svankmajerov.