Vicon Motion Systems' Brian Nilles: Motion Capture Moves Forward
Sharon Schatz interviews Brian Nilles on the newVicon 8 motion capture system and the future of the industry.
The Future Of Motion Capture Animation: Building The Perfect Digital Human
Digital humans are right around the corner accordingto Giant Studios and Webbie Tookay couldn't be more delighted. Laura Schiff explains. Contains Quick Time movie clips!
India's Expanding Animation Horizons: PART II
Ayanti Sen continues her piece on India's hopeful animation future by profiling a few up and coming Indian animators.
A Horse Is A Horse Of Course...But Even In Motion Capture?
Motion capture takes a new direction when a live, four-legged creature is brought into the mix. Gregory Singer reports on capturing the motions of an Andalusian stallion.
A Chat With Ray Harryhausen
Ruth and Roger Whiter were lucky enough to meet Ray Harryhausen for tea and a chat about his career, the craft of stop-motion and the value of careful planning.
CG 101: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference
Paul Younghusband reviews CG 101, a general, but detailed, book which covers a wide range of topics, from visual effects techniques, to terminology, job descriptions and visual effects history.
Editor's Notebook
Taking the Computer out of Computer Animation
Students of animation often forget the difference between setting keyframes and animating. Learn how to create animation with life-like motion and emotion.
The Career Coach: Setting and Achieving Goals
The new year is a time for making plans for what you want to accomplish. I used to make resolutions, which were quickly given up on before the month of January was even over. Now, I prefer setting goals. Goals are dreams with deadlines.
Milestones Of The Animation Industry In The 20th Century
The history of animation in the 20th Century has been falsified and distorted for many years. AWN wanted to begin the new century with an accurate list of our industry's achievements. Karl Cohen decided to take on the challenge.
It's Time To Take Gaming Seriously
As Jacquie Kubin relates the gaming industry is seeking more and more animators as new systems raise the aesthetic bar, making games faster, more realistic and well, animated.
Fantasia/2000: Blending Art and Technology
Fantasia/2000 definately pushes the technical limits of animation, creating visuals we have never seen before. As a special treat, David Bossert, the film's artistic coordinator and visual effects supervisor, takes us deep into the process.
The Dead Animators Society
Cartoon historian Leslie Cabarga interviews famous animators from beyond the grave. What do Winsor McCay, Georges Mi, Max Fleischer, Walt Disney, Pat Sullivan, Otto Messmer, Tex Avery and Lotte Reininger have to say about their lives and the current animation scene? Read on!
Quenching The New Millennium's Thirst For Animated Fare
Ruth and Roger Whiter were lucky enough to meet Ray Harryhausen for tea and a chat about his career, the craft of stop-motion and the value of careful planning.
2000 And Beyond: A Host of Possibilities and Changes
We surveyed a wide range of leaders from all walks of animation's varied path and asked them their opinions on the biggest issues facing us and how this will change our industry.
Year In, Year Out
John Canemaker remembers his friend and associate Faith Hubley, whose inspiration ranged far wider than her magical, Oscar-winning filmed images.
The Watershed is Coming
While 1999's "different" animated features did not break any box office records, they did show that a change is in the air. Andy Klein illuminates the animated feature's struggle.
Fearless Predictions
Buzz Potamkin makes his predictions on the trends that will influence our animation industry and marketplace well into the next 100 years.
A New Millennium = Some New Tricks
Want to get hired in the new millennium? Well, besides the addition of Flash to your repertoire and keeping an eye on that computer, most of the required skills to get hired and be successful remain the same. However, get ready because high technology is becoming the norm. Here from the industry's top recruiters is advice about what you'll need to be prepared.
"While nothing beats the ability to draw in any year, in the upcoming year it won't hurt an...
Editor's Notebook
Fresh From the Festivals: December 1999's Film Reviews
Within the world of animation, most experimentation occurs within short format productions, whether they be high budgeted commercials, low budgeted independent shorts, or something in between. The growing number of short film festivals around the world attest to the vitality of these works, but there are few other venues for exhibition of them or even written reviews. As a result, distribution tends to be difficult and irregular. On a regular basis, Animation World ...
Using Tone To Draw
Renowned drawing instructor Glenn Vilppu offers the tenth installment in his bi-monthly Animation World Magazine online drawing course. In this chapter, he begins to discuss three distinct methods of using tone.
The Career Coach: It's Show Time
If you are an artist, it is essential that you have an outstanding portfolio and demo reel. The purpose of the resume, portfolio and demo reel is to get you an interview with someone who can hire you. They are marketing materials--prepare them with care.
The Grande Finale ... On a Desert Island With ...
We are about to be rescued! In this our final month of "On A Desert Island With..." we heard from executives at both Fox Kids Network and Sony Pictures Family Entertainment Group. They all answered the question, "What ten films would you want to have with you if stranded on a desert island?" David McDermott is one of Fox Kids Network key development executives. His recent projects include Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot and ...