Ed, Edd n Eddy: A Unique Approach
The Classical Animation Society at the Savannah Collegeof Art and Design critique Danny Antonucci's Ed, Edd n Eddy, a popularnew series on Cartoon Network.
Vilppu Drawing Online: The Landmarks of Anatomy
Renowned drawing instructor Glenn Vilppu offers the seventhinstallment in his bi-monthly Animation World Magazine online drawingcourse.
E3: A Rehash and A Sequel
Joseph Szadkowski details the proceedings at E3 and details the new games and products, and who is bringing them to life for us.
Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in Its Golden Age
After nearly three decades of research and study, MichaelBarrier's book, Hollywood Cartoons, is finally here, and as Bob Miller relates, well worth the wait.
DIC, RAI, and the project InBetween
Robby London, Executive Vice President of Creative Affairs at DIC Entertainment, has known a few troubles getting productions off the ground, but this one was a doozy. Several years ago, as they were negotiating the rights to the song "Monster Mash," executives at DIC saw a short by Italian cartoonist Guido Manuli Chi Ha Paura (Who's Afraid). They found the horror-comedy tone and characters to be just right, met with Manuli, and married song to project. The first problem was that Robby London didn't speak Italian and...
Bekins Cartoons
Russell Bekins colorfully portrays the events in Positano, Italy, where for a few days the world's animation elite invade a small seaside fishing town for Cartoons on the Bay.
The Man of the Hour: Enzo D'Alò
Italian animation director Enzo D'Aland his company,Lanterna Magica, are riding high after the success of Lucky and Zorba.
Something Must Remain: Between Worlds at
Russell Bekins colorfully portrays the events in Positano, Italy, where for a few days the world's animation elite invade a small seaside fishing town.
New Technology and the Advertising Age
A panel of experts discuss how the introduction of new technology into the advertising world has changed the business of making commercials.
Editor's Notebook
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Art Spiegelman takes us into the world of the Tijuana Bibles, little hand-drawn pornographic pamphlets that provide a subversive peak at America from the 1930s-1950s.
Saturday Morning Fever: The Worst Gen X Has to Offer
Scott Maiko reviews Saturday Morning Fever by Timothy& Kevin Burke and reveals some good historical facts and a lot of nostalgicfluff.
The Belgian Center For Comic Strips
Belgium has long been a mecca of comic strip stars. Philippe Moins takes us on a tour of a museum dedicated to these national treasures. Available in French and English.
Le Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée à Bruxelles
Depuis toujours, la Belgique est la Mecques des stars de la B.D. Philippe Moins nous propose une visite guid du mus consacrces trors nationaux. Article disponible en franis et en anglais.
In Passing... Elfriede Fischinger
William Moritz relays the life of Elfriede Fischinger, wifeof Oskar, who made significant contributions to the preservation of animationhistory.
Talking with Con Pederson
William Moritz and Con Pederson, special effects supervisor on 2001: A Space Odyssey, talk about his early years, Stanley Kubrick and crosswords.
The Influence of Sound/Music on the Image
Just as different techniques create different images, different sounds alter the perception of all images and films. Bbel Neubauer and William Moritz investigate and even provide moving examples. This article includes QuickTime Movie clips created exclusively for Animation World Magazine!
On A Desert Island With. . . . Commercial and Visual Effects Artists
A survey of artists at commercial houses answering, "What ten films would you want to have with if stranded on a desert island?
Understanding Animation: Huh?
Fred Patten reviews Paul Wells latest text, UnderstandingAnimation, and reveals why it is an oxymoron.
A Market In Exponential Growth
Valie Rivoallon takes a look at France's leading high technology commercial houses. Available in French and English.
Using Visual Effects in Commercials
As visual effects become an increasingly important factor in commercials, Ring of Fire's Advanced Media Team is here with a few pointers on how the commercial system works and how to make the most of a visual effects/design team.
What Price, Independence?
Paul Fierlinger talks to David Kilmer about his amazing life as a Czech growing up in America during World War II and then as an American living in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War. He also discusses life as an independent animator with all of its ups and downs.
Animation 101: A Mixed Lesson
Bob Miller reviews animator and educator Ernest Pintoff's new book, Animation 101, that includes many essays from top industry leaders and some mixed advice...