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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

Creative ANIMATIONWorld

DIC, RAI, and the project InBetween

Robby London, Executive Vice President of Creative Affairs at DIC Entertainment, has known a few troubles getting productions off the ground, but this one was a doozy. Several years ago, as they were negotiating the rights to the song "Monster Mash," executives at DIC saw a short by Italian cartoonist Guido Manuli Chi Ha Paura (Who's Afraid). They found the horror-comedy tone and characters to be just right, met with Manuli, and married song to project. The first problem was that Robby London didn't speak Italian and...


The Influence of Sound/Music on the Image

Just as different techniques create different images, different sounds alter the perception of all images and films. Bbel Neubauer and William Moritz investigate and even provide moving examples. This article includes QuickTime Movie clips created exclusively for Animation World Magazine!
