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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Animation: Adults May Not Be Welcome (But jeez, what would they be doing there?)

As a result of Cedric Littardi's first article about AnimeLand's prosecution in Animation World Magazine, letters of support flooded in. Now Cedric talks about the trial's results, the issues discussed and the mixed outcome.


The Career Coach: What is Networking?

You've heard it before. To get a good job in the entertainment industry, youhave to know someone. But that's okay, because you do know someone. And that someone knows someone.If you have enough someones in your network, you can get a good job. Thismonth I am going to tell you what networking is and how it works. Next monthyou'll read about how to do it.


Yellow Submarine's Second Strange Odyssey to the Screen

Most animation and Beatles fans know Yellow Submarine is a great film, but why did it take 17 years for MGM to revive this classic in theaters and 12 years to bring it back to video stores? Karl Cohen relates the unusual circumstances that led to the film's re-emergence on the silver screen.
