On A Desert Island With. . . . Comic Book Guys?
A survey in which we asked Brel, Gregory Noveck and Robinson Crusoe, "What ten films would you want to have with you if stranded on a desert island?"
Werner III -- A Movie Triple or a German Culture Study?
Thomas Korn takes a look at the German comic book character that has become a cultural phenomenon and a winning businessventure.
Animation: Adults May Not Be Welcome (But jeez, what would they be doing there?)
As a result of Cedric Littardi's first article about AnimeLand's prosecution in Animation World Magazine, letters of support flooded in. Now Cedric talks about the trial's results, the issues discussed and the mixed outcome.
Learning from Licensing -- What Sells
Attending New York's L!censing show can be like looking into a crystal ball. Eric Lurio relates what he's learned on detecting the winners and losers...
Comics to Animation: What's Coming Next?
Every network on TV seems to have a prime time cartoon these days. Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman explores some of the causative factors behind this rush to the evening tube.
3D CGI Comes Aboard Nova's Ark
Sharon Schatz takes a closer look at David Kirk's latest book, Nova's Ark, which was illustrated using both the artist's own paintings and CGI.
Pierre Lambert Is Back, This Time With Mickey
Charles Solomon reviews Pierre Lambert's latest book, Mickey Mouse, which, with its stunning art work, deserves a place on any Disney fan's coffee table.
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival '99
Don Duga relates his Annecy experience where he met filmmakers, attended screenings and was part of an international dialogue between animation instructors and ASIFA board members.
Those Dirty Little Comics
Art Spiegelman takes us into the world of the Tijuana Bibles, little hand-drawn pornographic pamphlets that provide a subversive peak at America from the 1930s-1950s.
The Age of Prime Time Animation
Every network on TV seems to have a prime time cartoon thesedays. Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman explores some of the causativefactors behind this rush to the evening tube.
Script Formatting for Animation
Description: Want a professional looking script and don't know where to start? Paul T. Abramson and David D. Williamson offer us the formatting basics of what makes a good "reading" script.
VES '99: A Visual Effects Smorgasbord
The Visual Effects Society put on its first festival and with such guests as Dennis Muren, Robert Abel and Ken Ralston how could it have been anything less than a resounding success? Eric Huelsman reports.
Buy Product! L!censing '99
L!censing '99 was packed again this year, filled with animated product. Mike Lyons takes a closer look at what this $132 billion industry holds in store for us.
Raymond Scott Melodies Used in Warner Bros. Cartoons
Acrobatty Bunny
The Penguin
Ain't That Ducky
Huckleberry Duck
Aristo-Cat (The)
In an 18th Century Drawing Room
Twilight in Turkey
Baby Bottleneck
Draw What You Want To Draw
With surprising results, Ralph Bakshi sets the record straight as to what he considers adult animation.
Disney's Tarzan: A State of the Art Thrill Ride
Jerry Beck reviews Disney's latest, Tarzan, a film that follows the familiar genre but adds a few new tricks and a masterful grasp of animation techniques and innovations.
Raymond Scott: Accidental Music For Animated Mayhem
We've all heard his unmistakable tunes time and time again in our favorite 'toons, but who is the man behind the music? Irwin Chusid portrays maestro Raymond Scott.
Editor's Notebook
Annecy's 1999 MIFA: Business is Good, But Changing...
Annecy's MIFA is becoming a key event for the European animation industry. Insider Christian Davin explains why.
Turning Mangas into Wine Sales
A Californian winery is experiencing a boom in Japanese sales...why? Because one hot shot manga character chose to drink their Pinot Noir.
The Career Coach: What is Networking?
You've heard it before. To get a good job in the entertainment industry, youhave to know someone. But that's okay, because you do know someone. And that someone knows someone.If you have enough someones in your network, you can get a good job. Thismonth I am going to tell you what networking is and how it works. Next monthyou'll read about how to do it.
Yellow Submarine's Second Strange Odyssey to the Screen
Most animation and Beatles fans know Yellow Submarine is a great film, but why did it take 17 years for MGM to revive this classic in theaters and 12 years to bring it back to video stores? Karl Cohen relates the unusual circumstances that led to the film's re-emergence on the silver screen.