ILM's Seth Rosenthal on Motion Capture
Seth Rosenthal, the motion capture department supervisorat Industrial Light & Magic, took time out of his "menacing"schedule to discuss a gamut of topics relating to motion capture with HeatherKenyon.
Batman Beyond: Another One?
Batman Beyond might be just another gimmick, butTerrence Briggs has high hopes for this new action-adventure series.
The Holland Animation Film Festival: A Vast Array of Programming
Menno de Nooijer traveled to the Holland Animation Film Festival for a week of fabulous screenings and catch up time with old friends.
Réunion Island: A New Land for Cartoon Production?
AWN General Manager Annick Teninge traveled to the Indian Ocean island of Rnion to attend the third "Crossroads of the Image of the Indian Ocean" conference which tries to unite this remote locale with the European animation industry. Available in French and English.
The Major TV Trends and Moments of Last Year
An ever-expanding animated prime-time. An increase in CGI programming. Some studios are hiring, others aren't. Some networks are riding high...others aren't. Michael Swanigan looks at 1998's television world and what it could mean for 1999.
La Réunion, nouvelle terre de fabrication de dessins animés. Enjeux de la réussite.
Annick Teninge, Directrice Gale d'AWN, a assistau 3e "Carrefour" de l Indien la R conf qui traitait cette ann des enjeux du travail distance pour europ cin d Article disponible en fran et anglais.
A Desert Island Reunion
Since Animation World Magazine's inception, we've conducted a monthly column called "Desert Island." This regular installment provides a fascinating peek into the minds of animation artists and others involved in the industry by asking them what ten films they would choose to take with them if they had to spend their remaining years on a desert island. Having surveyed nearly 120 people, we decided it was time to compile all the answers and see what interesting trends and similarities we ...
Schools, Schools and More Schools!
The recent expansion of the animation biz has encouraged a lot of new players on the education and training field. Before jumping into a program, it is best to know what they are offering and what you want. Pamela Kleibrink Thompson explains.
Executive Talk: 1999 Predictions
Bertrand Mosca Responsable des Programmes Jeunesse France 3 Ce qui marquera l'ann 99, ce sera la profusion de programmes d'animation toujours plus novateurs et suisants. L'animation, en pleine effervescence l'helle mondiale, offre depuis ces dernies anns une surenche de la qualit que ce soit au niveau des concepts, des graphismes ou des performances techniques.
A France 3, onotre volume horaire de diffusion de programmes pour enfants n'est malheureusement...
The State of Independence
Otto Alder presents the current state of the Independent Animation film by delving into its definition and that of animation as a whole. Available in German and English.
Editor's Notebook
Der Stand der Unabhängigkeit
Otto Alder prentiert die jetzige Stellung des Unabhgige Animationsfilm durch seine Erklung und Schilderung, und auch Animation in allgemein. Greifbar auf Deutsch oder English.
The Prince of Egypt: DreamWorks' Biblical Epic
Toby Bluth discusses DreamWorks' long-awaited feature, The Prince of Egypt. While the animation and effects are stunning, the storytelling leaves something to be desired...
The London Effects and Animation Festival 1998: A Hands-On, Kick in the Pants, Great Time!
LEAF was everything an event about special effects and animation should be. From great screenings, to gleaning excellent, useful advice from the folks creating the cutting edge. George Cairns was there.
From Small Potatoes to SIGGRAPH Smash: My Odyssey
Mitch Butler was an overnight star with his SIGGRAPH hit, The Smell of Horror. Discover Mitch's rather unusual path from icy Alaska to being the toast of the fest at SIGGRAPH `98 in sunny Florida. Includes a Quicktime movie.
Where the Jobs Are: Recruiting 1999
Zahra Dowlatabadi takes a look at where the jobs will be in 1999 by examining the health of several major players in the feature, computer graphics (CGI), television and direct-to-video animation markets.
CGI's Hits and Misses of 1998
From hit movies to recent mergers, Eric Huelsman relays every facet of what happened last year in CGI and how it is going to effect 1999. Includes Quicktime movie clips.
Saying Farewell
The animation industry has had to say good-bye to a number of its members in 1998. Amid Amidi recounts this year's losses...
Animation Festivals: A Year of Proliferation and Change
Cardiff's 'Vital' was the first festival to be pushed out of existence in these event cluttered times, but could festivals be faltering because they are based on outdated models? Irene Kotlarz explores.
Making Film History: 1998's Animated Features
No question about it. 1998 was the year of animation, thanks to the successful release of so many theatrical features. Evan Backes puts it all in perspective and alerts us to 1999's treats.
Commercials in `98: Talking Animals and Trendy Gimmicks
Will all those talking animal commercials quiet down in 1999? Chuck McBride discusses the advertising hits of 1998 and what will come of them in 1999.
Executive Talk: 1999 Predictions
We asked key industry figures to predict the trends, and biggest changes and events in animation that 1999 will see. The results were surprising. While animation is booming a shift in the work load is coming...