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On A Desert Island With...Stop Motion Directors

For our January 1999 issue, we've gathered up all our lone castaways for a compiled Desert Island luau. Read the top picks from over 120 animation artists and executives.

This month, we asked two innovative stop motion directors what films they would want to have with them if stranded on a desert island. Steve Oakes is the President/co-founder/director of Curious Pictures whose latest project is directing the mixed-media HBO Family channel series A Little Curious, which will be reviewed in Animation World Magazine's March issue. Mark Osborne is the director of More, the world's first stop motion short produced for exhibition on 70mm/15 perf (IMAX). Interestingly enough, both chose Tim Burton's Vincent as one of their favorites.

Steve Oakes' Top Ten: 1. Monty Python (especially Terry Gilliam's work). 2. Vincent (Tim Burton). 3. Rocky & Bullwinkle (Jay Ward). 4. Cigarette ads from the 1960s. 5. Pee Wee's Playhouse (Broadcast Arts). 6. Creature Comforts (Nick Park/Aardman Animations). 7. Gertie the Dinosaur (Winsor McCay). 8. Nightmare Before Christmas (Tim Burton). 9. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Richard Williams/Disney). 10. MTV's Liquid Television.

Mark Osborne's Favorites

Here's a quick glimpse at some of my thousands of top picks... 1. Raising Arizona (Coen Brothers). 2. Vincent (Tim Burton). 3. Faust (Jan Svankmajer). 4. The Star Wars Trilogy (George Lucas). 5. Worm Holes (Steve Hillenberg). 6. Bottle Rocket (Wes Anderson). 7. Slow Bob in the Lower Dimension (Henry Selick). 8. The Graduate (Mike Nichols). 9. Kids in the Hall - all 5 seasons. 10. Anything by Martin Scorsese - you pick it, I'll watch it.

Tyron Montgomery's Suitcase

1. Blade Runner (Ridley Scott) 2. Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean) 3. Dark Star (John Carpenter) 4. Forrest Gump (Robert Zemeckis) 5. Leaving Las Vegas (Mike Figgis) 6. Gattaca (Andrew Niccol) 7. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Sergio Leone) 8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Milos Forman) 9. The Right Stuff (Philip Kaufman) 10. The Elephant Man (David Lynch)
