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Tagged With: Kindred Spirits

Raising Funds and Awareness for UNICEF Headline News

KEPYR Kicks Off 8th Annual ‘Kindred Spirits’ Campaign

In support of UNICEF, NY in-person get together and on-line art auction featuring work by ‘The Simpsons’ creator Matt Groening, ‘Ben Ten’ co-creator Dave Johnson, and others will raise funds for Rohingya Muslim children living in the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

Raising Funds and Awareness for UNICEF Headline News

KEPYR Kicks Off ‘Kindred Spirits 2023’ Campaign with ‘Mandalorian’-Themed Art Auction

The kids’ media charity raises funds and awareness supporting UNICEF’s continued humanitarian assistance to 850,000 children displaced by the recent devastating earthquakes in Syria and Türkiye; online and in person events include a virtual auction featuring original art – inspired by the Lucasfilm series - by renowned comics and animators.

Fighting for Displaced Kids Headline News

KEPYR’s ‘Kindred Spirits’ Campaign - UNICEF Aid for Displaced Kids Now Underway

The month-long online fundraiser runs through June 20 - World Refugee Day; campaign supports UNICEF’s work aiding displaced children around the world.