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Tagged With: brick films

Jar Jar Returns! ANIMATIONWorld

Blocking Out the Laughs for ‘LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy’

Lucasfilm’s Annie Award-nominated series turns the entire empire inside out and upside down in fun, playful ‘What If…?’ fashion, complete with Darth Jar Jar, good guy / bad guy role reversals, and lots of insider jokes; now streaming on Disney+.

Jar Jar Returns! ANIMATIONWorld

Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit Talk ‘LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy’

The showrunners, co-creators and EPs, self-described ‘Star Wars’ nuts, discuss how they turned the entire empire upside down on the new Lucasfilm 3DCG series, where good guys are bad, bad guys are good, and Jar Jar Binks may well be… a Sith lord; now streaming on Disney+.