Geographical Region: North America

Kids Headline News

Summer kids jam at Universal Studios

Beginning July 2, star characters from Nickelodeon's popular BLUE'S CLUESand RUGRATS shows, "character breakfasts" featuring Woody Woodpecker,Spiderman, and other world-famous cartoon stars are part of the fun plannedfor kids this summer at Universal Studios Hollywood. "Blue's Clues Live"follows the format of the children's television show. Guided by cluessupplied by "Blue," kids solve puzzles, play games, and sing songs alongwith Blue. "Woody Woodpecker's Clubhouse" features a themed playground

Headline News

Workout your character voices!

Workout your character voices July 10, and every second Saturday of themonth, at Aliso Creek Productions in Burbank, California, USA. Directed byMJ Lall, voice over actor, coach, and producer, you'll read scripts byWomen In Animation writers, and do voice-to-picture workouts for WIAartists. Voice over artists, writers, and artists are encouraged to attendand participate with samples of their work. Call Aliso Creek to register at(818) 954-9931.

Headline News

Don't miss the WIA Writers' Seminar Group meeting

The WIA Writers' Seminar Group meets Thursday, July 8, 7:30 pm at SabanEntertainment, 10960 Wilshire Blvd. at the corner of Midvale in LosAngeles, California, USA. Brian Casentini from Saban Development will beguest speaker. He'll discuss the development process at the Fox FamilyChannel, pitching, and what you should include in a presentation bible.Admission: $5 at the door. RSVP required to Jean Wright at 818-360-8321.

Disney Headline News

Disney promotes four executives

The Walt Disney Company has named four executives to new positions. ETIENNE DE VILLIERS has been named president and managing director, Walt Disney International Europe; MICHAEL O. JOHNSON has been named president and managing director, Walt Disney International Asia; DIEGO LERNER has been named president and managing director, Walt Disney International Latin America; and PAUL SALEH has been named senior vice president and chief financial officer, Walt Disney International.

Spot Headline News

BLACK LOGIC & AFCG create Cinnaburst spot

New York City-based BLACK LOGIC and AFCG have created Cinnaburst gum's"Snowboarder" spot for agency Bates USA. The spot features a bouncing CGcreated piece of gum in a snowboarding environment. Floyd Gillis directedthe CGI for AFCG, Michel Suissa directed the visual effects for BlackLogic, and Geoff McGann directed the spot for Manifesto which combineslive-action with CGI.

Commercials Headline News

Don't miss the 1999 AICP Show

The Association of Independent Commercial Producers' (AICP) Eighth AnnualAICP Show, The Art & Technique of the American Television Commercial,debuted at The Museum of Modern Art in New York City on June 9th, and willtour in the United States and internationally until April 2000. The showconsists of about fifty live-action and animated spots. Selections weremade by more than 400 judges throughout the US, as well as a panel composedof members of the industry from advertising agencies, production companies,

Festival Headline News

Don't miss the inaugural VEAF!

The inaugural Vancouver Effects & Animation Festival (VEAF) will exhibitanimation and effects works created by people from around the world andwill present awards in 22 categories. The festival takes place Monday, July13-18 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For more information call(604) 874-5590; or visit

Headline News

ITE appoints Erik St. Anthony

Erik St. Anthony has been appointed Director of Multimedia at InteractiveTelevision Entertainment (ITE)-USA. St. Anthony will be responsible fordeveloping and implementing retail, on-line and ancillary distribution ofthe company's CD-ROM, PlayStation, and Game Boy formats in North America.St. Anthony founded Adventure Media Group and Trinidad Entertainment, whichtogether acquire DVD rights, create interactive formats on DVD and DVD-ROM,and distribute programming. ITE's library includes HUGO SAVES CHRISTMAS,

Headline News

Catapult promotes Smith and Mayserson

Catapult Productions' Kim Davidson and Arnie Zipursky, executive producersof MONSTER BY MISTAKE, have promoted Rob Smith and Mark Mayerson toproducers for the second season of the computer animated TV series. Smithand Mayerson will join Julie Stall, who was the first season producer.Mayerson, who created the series, and Smith each directed five episodes ofthe first season. Smith will continue to direct while Mayerson will be moreinvolved in stories and scripts. MONSTER BY MISTAKE began as a Halloween TV

International Headline News

Chromacolour International moves global operations

Chromacolour, an international leader in the manufacture and sale of traditional and digital animation materials, software and equipment, has just moved their manufacturing operation to a new 20,000 square foot facility in North East Calgary, Canada. This is also the location of their global headquarters and Sales and Distribution center. The company's European Sales and Distribution center has been recently relocated to a new facility in London, England as well.

Headline News

Madcat Women's Film/Video Festival calls for entries

The Third Annual MadCat International Women's Film Festival will feature independent and experimental works by women from around the world. MadCat will be featured on Tuesday evenings in September, 1999 at El Rio Outdoor Cinema, a seasonal screening venue in San Francisco. MadCat is seeking innovative and challenging works by women. All lengths and genres will be considered. Entry Fees range from US$ 10.00 to $30.00 per entry (pay whatever you can afford!). No fee is requested for international entrants. Entry deadline is July 10, 1999. For more information contact MadCat c/o A.

Film Headline News

Moondance International Film Festival calls for entries

The Moondance International Film Festival will be held in Park City, Utah, during the Sundance Film Festival in January 2000, and is open to all women screenwriters and film-makers from any country. All finalists and semi-finalists will have their work read in a public staged reading or viewed at The Moondance International Film Festival. Awards will be given for best original screenplay, best independent feature film, and best documentary, animation or short film. The entry deadline has been extended to September 1, 1999.

Books Headline News

PBS adds Noddy to daily schedule

Beginning September 6, 1999, NODDY will air Monday through Friday on PBS stations in the US as part of PBS's "Ready to Learn" service. NODDY debuted in the US in the fall of 1998. The program's success has led to the production of 25 new episodes, bringing the total number of episodes to 65. The new episodes will begin airing in the fall of 1999. Based on the world-renowned children's books by Enid Blyton, NODDY, a show for children ages three to seven, is co-produced by BBC Worldwide, The Enid Blyton Company and Toronto-based Catalyst Entertainment, Inc.

Comics Headline News

CBLDF gets funding help

Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. continues its support of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund with the 1999 Spring Breaks. Over the last several years, Diamond has redoubled its efforts to turn these regional industry gatherings into fund-raisers for the CBLDF through live and silent auctions, special giveaways, and other events. This year, the Spring Breaks raised more than $2,400 to benefit the Fund. The Spring Breaks are the natural descendants of the annual Diamond Retailer Seminars and are sponsored by Diamond in conjunction with DC, Dark Horse, Image, Marvel, and other publishers.

Disney Headline News

Disney villains come to The Cartoon Art Museum

The Cartoon Art Museum presents a show of animation art from the collectionof Mike and Jean Glad featuring Disney villains. Marc Davis, animator ofThumper, Tinkerbell, Malificent, and many other Disney characters, as wellas other Disney artists, will appear, although they will not be doingautographs. The opening takes place on Saturday, June 19, 1999, 6-8 pm, butthe show begins on June 16 and continues through September 5, 1999. Themuseum is located at 814 Mission Street, 2nd floor in San Francisco,

Headline News

Graduate portfolio show set at Art Institute of Los Angeles

* Friday, June 18, 5:30-7:30 pm. Santa Monica, California, USA.

The Art Institute of Los Angeles will present its first portfoliopresentation showcasing graduates' work at their campus located at 290031st Street, Santa Monica. The reception for industry professionals is agreat way to find fresh talent! For more information call Colleen Lynch,Director of Career Services, at 310-752 4700; or e-mail

Headline News

The Art Institute of Pittsburgh plans graduate portfolio show

* Friday, June 18, 2:30-6:00 pm. Oakland, Pennsylvania, USA.

The Art Institute of Pittsburgh will present a portfolio presentationshowcasing graduates' work at their campus located at Banquet Hall, 4141Fifth Avenue. The show features computer animation, multimedia, graphicdesign, interior design, and video production. For more information call1-800-275-2470; or 263-6600, ext. 272.

Film Headline News

THOMAS THE TANK is headed for the Big Screen!

THOMAS AND THE MAGIC RAILROAD, a live-action/animated feature length film,is scheduled to begin shooting this month in England and Canada. Based onthe TV series THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE, the film is a co-production betweenDestination Film, Britt Allcroft Co. and Gullane Pictures. Icon FilmDistribution, the British releasing arm of Mel Gibson and Bruce Davey'sIcon Productions, will distribute the film in the UK. THOMAS THE TANKENGINE began as a series of children's books by the late Rev. Wilbert

Show Headline News

Portfolio show set at Art Institute of Atlanta

* Thursday, June 17, 11 am - 1:30 pm. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

A portfolio show and networking meeting will take place at The ArtInstitute of Atlanta at 3376 Peachtree Road NE. The show features computeranimation, multimedia, graphic design, interior design, and videoproduction. For more information contact Diana Graves at (404) 266-2662,ext. 370; or e-mail:

Online Headline News

Oxygen signs with Mediaone

Geraldine Laybourne, Oxygen Media's Chairman and CEO, has announced thatOxygen Media has signed a carriage agreement with MediaOne, a domesticcable operator, to distribute Oxygen's cable network. The new Oxygennetwork, which is scheduled to launch on 02/02/2000, will be integratedwith Oxygen's existing online properties to create a "home base" for womenon cable and the Internet. Oxygen's carriage agreement with MediaOne willdeliver Oxygen to over 1 million subscribers at launch. Under the terms of

Headline News

Computer Cafe expands to Santa Monica

Computer Cafe has opened a full service animation studio in Santa Monica,California. The 1400 square foot site, in the heart of Santa Monica's mediadistrict, will be staffed by art director/digital artist Ron Honn, who isrelocating from the company's Santa Maria headquarters, and producerJonathan Stone, who joins the company from Saban Entertainment. Artistsfrom the Santa Maria facility will staff up the Santa Monica studio on aproject basis, and the company will also staff the new site with local

Cartoons Headline News

Rob Davies opens new studio

Rob Davies, a 1999 Emmy nominee for his work on STEVEN SPIELBERG PRESENTS:PINKY, ELMYRA AND THE BRAIN, has recently returned from Warner Bros. T.V.Animation in L.A. to his native British Columbia, Canada to start up a newanimation studio, Atomic Cartoons Inc. Joining Davies is former REN ANDSTIMPY animator and Universal Cartoons director Mauro Casalese, directorTrevor Bentley (Nickelodeon's CAT DOG, Nelvana's NED'S NEWT), and directorOlaf Miller (Sony's LITTLE WITCH). "Our main focus is to assist companies

Film Headline News

Film Roman announces FABULOUS FURRY FREAK BROTHERS feature

After several weeks of rumors, Film Roman has officially confirmed thatthey are developing an animated feature film based on THE FABULOUS FURRYFREAK BROTHERS, the underground comic book by Gilbert Shelton. THE FABULOUSFURRY FREAK BROTHERS is about three hippie brothers: freewheelingcowboy-hatted Frank; mad-inventor Phineas, and Fat Freddy, as well as FatFreddy's cat, who is described as meaner than Garfield, smarter than Felix,randier than Fritz, and a better mouser than Tom. Mike B. Anderson (THE

Animation Headline News

Collège Boréal looking for a classical animation professor

Ontario Canada's Collège Boréal is looking for a classical animation professor.The purpose of the school's three-year program is to prepare learners to pursue a career in commercial animation, i.e., working in film, TV series, video game, CD-ROM, Web page and advertising production. The program allows the learner to be proficient in

Show Headline News

Don't miss the Academy of Art College Spring Show

The Academy of Art College in San Francisco will open their annual SpringShow, featuring the best work from the academic year, with a specialpreview party for professionals to look at the work and meet the graduatespersonally. The show will begin on Wednesday, May 26 with professionalhours from 3-7 pm. The public will be invited at 6 pm and the show willstay up until June 11 at 180 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, USA.This is a good way to recruit new talent. For more details call Susan
