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AWN Headline News

Animation Headline News

Don't miss the California Sun Festival on April 10th

California SUN Festival will happen April 10, 1999 at California State University Northridge. This year's festival has seen an increase in the number of entries from the international animation community, with films from Australia, Canada, China, England, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Indonesia, Japan, and the USA. 57 films were chosen for screening.

Digital Headline News

George Lucas & Steven Spielberg give to USC School of Cinema-Televison

George Lucas has donated $1.5 million, while Steven Spielberg has donated $500,000 to the USC School of Cinema-Television to help fund the new, yet-to-be-built Robert Zemeckis Center for Digital Arts. The Lucas money will help build a sound stage which will be named for Akira Kurosawa.

Headline News

SPIDER-MAN to Swing without Cameron

SPIDER-MAN TO SWING WITHOUT CAMERON. Whatever expectations were created in 1990 when Stan Lee (Spider-Man's co-creator with Steve Ditko and possibly Jack Kirby) announced that James Cameron would be directing a Spider-Man film, ended for the director of TITANIC and THE TERMINATOR on Monday when THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER reported that Cameron will not be directing this long dreamed of project. This announcement comes soon after the resolution of legal disputes between most of the involved companies over rights to the Spider-Man character and related properties.

Headline News

Cynthia Wells profiled on SLICE OF LIFE

The Learning Channel's program SLICE OF LIFE, which features a day in the life of women in various careers, has profiled independent animator Cynthia Wells. The episode will air on April 5 at 12:30 p.m. (ET), and will repeat on June 2. The SLICE OF LIFE crew filmed a day in the making of SHADOW OF DOUBT, a theatrical short film currently being produced by Wells' The Digital Theater Group. The film stars Wells' Talullah Le Roux character who was in one of her earlier films, INTERVIEW WITH TALULLAH, QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE.

Award Headline News

"The First Snow of Winter" wins award

Hibbert Ralph Entertainment's half hour film "The First Snow of Winter" haswon the award for Best Children's Entertainment given by The RoyalTelevision Society. The film tells the story of a little Irish duck whogets left behind when his friends and family fly south for the winter.Director Graham Ralph accepted the award.

Festival Headline News

Chicago International Children's Film Festival calls for entries

The Chicago International Children's Film Festival is now accepting entiresfor the 16th annual Festival, October 14-24, 1999. The CICFF is the largestcompetitive festival of children's films and videos in North America,programming over 150 of the world's best live action and animated featuresand shorts, created for children ages 6-13. Entries must have a productioncopyright date of 1997 or later, and be dubbed in English. Deadline forsubmission of entry forms and preview tapes on NTSC or PAL cassettes is

April Headline News

"SimsallaGrimm" at MIP TV 99

Netherlands based Magus Entertainment will hold a press conference andpresent the first episode of their animated TV series, "SimsallaGrimm," atMIP TV 99 on April 12th. MIP TV 99, the International Television ProgrammeMarket, will be held April 12-17 at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes,France. For more information contact the MIP TV Public RelationsDepartment: Margot Gardett - Tel: (33-1) 41 90 45 59 or Keith Daly - Tel:(33-1) 41 90 45 60; Fax: (33-1) 41 90 46 24.

Movie Headline News

Matrix tops at the weekend box office

The Matrix, a new futuristic, action movie that stars Keanu Reeves andfeatures state of the art visual effects, took first place at the theweekend box office, grossing $27.6 million for the biggest opening weekendthis year, industry estimates showed Sunday.

Doug's 1st Movie, the Disney released animated feature based on the hit TVshow, finished eighth, grossing $3.1 million during its first week inrelease. The movie was based on a TV show, formerly of Nickelodeon, now

April Headline News

Bill Plympton to appear at James River Festival

The following three programs will be presented at this year's James RiverFestival: Tuesday April 6th, 7:30pm. Bill Plympton will host "Animation byPlympton" and show I Married a Strange Person, "Your Face," "How to Kiss,""25 Ways to Quit Smoking," "and his latest shorts. Sunday April 11, 3pm."Brief History of the Animated TV Commercial" will feature over 50commercials from 1948-1993. Janet Scagnelli will introduce the program.Sunday April 11, 5pm. "Pre-1950 American Animation" will feature several

Headline News

Kathy Rose performs in Paris

Animator and performance artist Kathy Rose will be performing April 8, 1999in Paris at the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain. In her uniqueshow Ms. Rose performs her own dances in front of projections of her filmsShe will present an excerpt from "Oriental Interplay," "Syncopations," apiece called "Precious Metals," and three scenes from her new performance,"Kleopat'Ra," which begins its world tour this summer. TEL: (1) 42 18 5650; Address: 261 boulevard Raspail; Paris, France. More

Headline News

INK TANK produces "Hockey Monkey"

THE INK TANK has produced "Hockey Monkey," a mixed-media music video forNickelodeon's KA-BLAM!, which will air this spring. The 1-minute, 30-secondpiece follows a group of live-action adults who are in search of a monkey.Unbeknownst to them, the animated monkey is in an ice hockey match with agroup of cut-out animated kids. For The Ink Tank, R.O. Blechman wascreative director; Brian O'Connell, executive producer/co-director; JesseGordon, live-action director/cameraman; Maciek Albrecht, cut-out

Headline News

RADIUM animates characters for Wrigley's Juciy Fruit Gum ad

San Francisco-based RADIUM has animated more than a half-dozen 3Dcomputer-generated building block characters for "Toys," a nationaltelevision spot promoting Wrigley's Juicy Fruit Gum. Conceived by BBDO(Chicago, IL), the 30-second spot revolves around a group of toy figuresthat spring to life in pursuit of the sweet taste of Juicy Fruit. Thecommercial blends 3D animation, 2D effects, live-action and cel animation.Radium created the tiny plastic blok characters as 3D elements. Afterwards,

Animated Headline News

SIMEX helps create King World logo

Marketing and communication company Pittard Sullivan (Culver City, CA)engaged SIMEX (Santa Monica, CA) to help create a new full-motion, computeranimated logo to accompany all of King World's programs. The animated logofeatures a star burst animated in Alias|Wavefront PowerAnimator. FromPittard Sullivan, Reid Thompson directed, and Jim Capp and Debra Kaufmanproduced. Nick Bates was the visual effects supervisor and George Mendozawas the executive producer at SimEx Digital Studios.

Ratings Headline News

"Futurama" has popular premiere

Matt Groening's new animated series, "Futurama," was watched by more thannineteen million viewers when it premiered on Sunday, March 28. It was theeleventh most watched TV show in the USA as it received a 11.2 rating and a17 share, better overall ratings than both "The Simpsons" (9.3/15) thatpreceded it, and "The X-Files" (10.1/15) that followed it.

Festival Headline News

Ottawa Festival to release videos

The Ottawa International Animation Festival and Canadian Film Institutehave acquired the North American video rights to all Estonian animationfilms produced by the studios,Tallinnfilm, Eesti Joonisfilm, and Nukufilm.The collection includes award winning films by Priit Parn, ("Hotel E,""Breakfast on the Grass," and "The Night of the Carrots"); Rao Heidmets("Hell"); Mati Kutt ("Underground," "Smoked Spout Baked in the Sun"); JannoPoldma ("Birthday"); Rein Raamat ("Hell"); and many more.

Show Headline News

UPN's HOME MOVIES gets air date

The half-hour comedy series HOME MOVIES [AF 12/22/98] premieres Monday,April 26, at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT. The show, featuring a "SquiggleVision"technique, is being produced by Tom Snyder Productions, makers of ComedyCentral's DR. KATZ: PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST and ABC's Saturday morningseries, SQUIGGLEVISION. The show centers around a single mom (PaulaPoundstone) raising a precocious tot and an eight-year-old son who aspiresto be the next Steven Spielberg.

Headline News

CURIOUS PICTURES creates five spots for Round Table Pizza

The San Francisco office of CURIOUS PICTURES has created a pool of fivespots for Round Table Pizza through Wieden & Kennedy (Portland, OR). Thereare four 15-second spots - "Steam Dance," "Rooster," "Full," and "Freedomof Speech" - along with a 30-second spot, "Tornado." The commercials weredirected by Michael Bade and designed by Seattle-based alternativecartoonist Peter Bagge (HATE), marking his first foray into both animationand television. Featuring various characters, the commercials guarantee the

Headline News

Billy Idol gets into HEAVY METAL

Eighties rock singer Billy Idol is providing the lead voice in Sceneries Entertainment's upcoming animated feature HEAVY METAL: F.A.K.K. 2, to be released by Columbia TriStar in fall 1999. The film is based on a graphic novel by TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES creator Kevin Eastman, along with Simon Bisley and Eric Talbot. Idol will play the role of Tyler, a genocidal villain, who will ultimately be conquered by F.A.K.K., an immortal female warrior. The film's soundtrack also features music by Axel Rose, Sammy Hagar and the Stone Temple Pilots.

Headline News

POKEMON sold to Europe

Lacey Entertainment has sold the hit show POKEMON to the following European broadcasters: RTL 2 (Germany), Sky TV (UK) and MediaSet (Italy). Sky TV began broadcasting the show the week of March 29, while RTL 2 and MediaSet will begin airing the series in September. All three networks will air the series as a five-day-a-week strip. In a related announcement, EM TV & Merchandising of Germany has secured POKEMON merchandise and promotion licensing representation in that territory.

Film Headline News

RUPERT arrives on DVD

George Pal's first feature film, THE GREAT RUPERT (1950), is being released on DVD by Image Entertainment. The film, which has never been released on home video before, is an Arnold Leibovit Entertainment Presentation, and will be released on May 7 for a retal price of $24.99. It stars the legendary Jimmy Durante, Tom Drake and Terry Moore (Jill from the 1949 film MIGHTY JOE YOUNG); as well as Rupert, a dancing squirrel brought to life using Pal's trademark Puppetoon animation technique. The rarely seen film was transferred from one of the few 35mm nitrate prints in existence.

Series Headline News

ASIFA-Hollywood Lecture Series

Tueday, April 13. Glendale, California, U.S.A.

As part of ASIFA-Hollywood's Third Annual Lecture Series, Corey Hels willspeak at the Glendale Community College auditorium about what it takes tobe a technical director. Hels has worked as a technical director or CGIanimator for various studios including Metrolight, Dream Quest Images,Turner Feature Animation, and Warner Bros. Feature and Classical Animation.His film credits include CATS DON'T DANCE, IRON GIANT, THE MASK, CRIMSON

Headline News

Neurones rescues Fantome

By Amid Amidi | Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 12:00am

After a long struggle, Fantôme, one of Europe's premier producers of 3D animation, was put into receivership. Founded in 1985, Fantôme was a pioneer of completely computer-generated animation TV series. In addition to an Emmy, Fantôme has garnered more than 40 international prizes, and their 3D television series INSEKTORS (26 13-minute segments) has sold in 160 countries.

Online Headline News

Fred Seibert moving back to MTV

By Amid Amidi | Wednesday, March 31, 1999 at 12:00am

Fred Seibert, former President of Hanna-Barbera and MTV's original creative director, has been named President of MTV Networks Online, reporting directly to Tom Freston, Chairman and CEO, MTV Networks. MTV Networks Online will be based in New York along with a satellite office in San Mateo, California.
