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My niece's story brought to life with animation!

Greetings, fellow animators and enthusiasts!

This community has proven its sincere appreciation for hand-drawn animation, a rare (but ever present) art form, as well as its thriving population of talented animators and thoughtful feedback. As such, I wanted to share with you my latest portfolio piece.

"The Volcano" is the collaborative effort of a child's infinite imagination and her uncle's unquenchable creativity. Alessia, my 3-year-old niece, emphatically narrates her epic tale of prehistoric Earth, dinosaurs, and the volcanic history of Pompeii. I couldn't resist the urge to bring this story to life with the magic of animation.

All feedback/inquery is welcome. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!


bernyFlip's picture
Submitted by bernyFlip on

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Jorj Stick's picture
Submitted by Jorj Stick on

Very much liked your magical work! My advice, as an experienced marketer, is to seek help from Top4smm to increase your watch time for youtube ,naturally,for your animated and magical videos.  The company offers inexpensive solutions for YouTube, as well as increase your popularity.
