Hey everyone. I just updated my site with some new free videos and a new texture creation video in the store! Hope these are useful for someone.
Thanks for looking!
Hey everyone. I just updated my site with some new free videos and a new texture creation video in the store! Hope these are useful for someone.
Thanks for looking!
Just a note. I ran a webinar on UV mapping last week which was recorded and is now up in the store for anyone interested!
First off, Good folio :) I liked the product packaging examples.
Secondly, a big thanks for offering free sample education and I must say thats a pretty decent list and I hopefully will get the time to go though them sometime this week. And the prices on your other tutorials sound very reasonable.
for everyone else : assess these 3d classes here :
All the best!
So many wonderful video in your website, thanks for your sharing, they are very helpful!
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