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Dapper Dandy Cartoonery

By DeadSquid | Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 9:02am


Cartoon Syndicate project


Greetings! Thought I'd start up a gallery thread.

As I get closer and closer to making some actual cartoons, I've started working mostly in Flash to get used to it. Also to save time for the things I used Illustrator to get around. Even starting to get more adept with my lil' Wacom.

DeadSquid's picture
Website Cartoon Syndicate project

DeadSquid's picture
Submitted by DeadSquid on

This came to mind after the Felina pic at the top. They're not really for anything in particular, just fun.

Both have helped me get way more accustomed to working directly in Flash. I getting quite a bit more comfy with the workings and ways of the PENCIL** and Selection tools.

**edited, I meant Pencil Tool instead of Pen.


Cartoon Syndicate project

acetate assassin's picture

very cool stuff.

You say you are using the pen tool in flash instead of the line tool? Does using the pen tool give you any added features over the line tool?
Animation and Design

DeadSquid's picture
Submitted by DeadSquid on

Ooops! I meant pencil.....Sorry, I always do that. The PEN tool is still a mystery I've yet to solve.

I forget the Line Tool is there, because I'm usually thinking it does the weird stuff the Pen Tool does.


Cartoon Syndicate project

DeadSquid's picture
Submitted by DeadSquid on

Here's a link to my Deviant Art Gallery with my "latest" Animation practice. I've worked on it off and on for a while, adding to it as ideas came to me.

Might be a work in progress, as I do have an "end" planned for the scene. It was fun trying things out.

I also learned just how fast your Library starts growing as you need new parts and such.

I've a general idea on how I like to assemble my characters. Now my next greatest Flash challenge is figuring out how to orginize my libraries and symbols.

The pic below is just a preview to have more than a link here.


Cartoon Syndicate project