Animators, Broadcast Designers, VFX, and Motion Graphics Artists
Gain worldwide recognition for your finest work by entering the prestigious motionawards.
motionawards 08 recognizes creative excellence in animation, VFX, broadcast design and motion graphics honoring the most current, breakthrough work created within the past year. Each entry will be judged for conceptual, technical and aesthetic innovation and excellence.
All work entered must be the result of paid creative services and media placement, with the exceptions of public service work, projects for the arts, self-promotion, and student projects.
First place winners in each category will receive the prestigious motionaward representing their achievement for creativity, skill, and superior talent.
One entry will be selected as the ‘Best of Show’ winner and will receive the Adobe Creative Suite ($1800 value) in addition to the motionaward.
Winning entries will also be displayed on
Winners will be announced at the motionawards party on October 13 at motion08.
Deadline: midnight {12:00AM, MST) September 8, 2008.
For details, guidelines, and how to enter visit or email
nice idea i relay like it
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