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Animators Survival Kit Help

So i made these; in the book they only give you 2 extremes 1 & 5, the rest i had to inbetween

Its on page 51 of A.S.K, im plan on doing all the lessons in this book, i have come to realize i know nothing of animation or animating.


It's pretty good already !! Animation is the art of movement . ;)

Z's picture
Submitted by Z on

Not bad, even though you copied it DIRECTLY from the book. :p

I've gone through the book, skimming, and it's really helped me too. I've directly copied the timing of some of his animations, but with my characters. I'd post some of them here, but they're really short. ;)


Animated Ape's picture

According to your chart, your finger point too is wrong. Drawing 2 is halfway between drawings 1 and 5. That is correct. Now according to you chart, drawing 3 is supposed to be halfway between drawings 2 and 5. As well as drawing 4 being halfway between drawings 3 and 5. What you actually have drawn for drawings 3 and 4 is evenly spaced them between drawings 2 and 5. So instead of an ease-in, you have a, actually I don't know what that is called. An even-in?

What you should do is have drawing 3 between what you drew for drawings 3 and 4. Then draw finger 4 half way between those do drawings.

The rest of your exercises look good. Keep practicing, it's looking good.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Animated Ape's picture

Looks good. The perspective looks right. On thing is that the ball seems to come off too fast after the second bounce. I think if you move that first in air ball farther down it will solve this. Great to see you going through all these tutorials.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."