I use a taped pegbar in my scanner, but I´m interested in another ways. I know ToonBoom Solo has "Optical registration", Flipbook "Autoscan"... Is there any stand-alone software to scanning and aligning drawings? or another interesting software with this tool?
Not too sure about stand-alone apps for aligning pegs. I've heard of one called Scan Fix . I've never used it so can't really say much about it one way or the other, but there's the link. Check it out.
You can import scanned drawings into TVPaint PRO and use the Point Stabilization feature in the FX Stack to align all the drawings using the scanned peg holes . (as usual with this method when using other applications such as Animo, DigiCel or whatever , you need to have a piece of black tape or paper backing the area where the peg holes are scanned so that the scanner will record the peg holes as solid , black shapes.
"EustaceScrubb" has left the building
Thanks, Eustace.
I have tested Scanfix, but may be I´m not good using its interface so I can´t get good results and the drawings twist everywhere :(
I think Flipbook is the best choice to get pegbar alignment included in a software (well, 90 $ more) because Solo and TVanimation are too expensive for me and I´m not sure every resource of these programs are useful for me (just a freelance animator).
Oh, definitely , if the only basic function you need is to scan and align drawings then a program like TVPaint or ToonBoom is overkill . I've always heard good things about DigiCel Flipbook , so I'm sure that will do what you want .
Too bad that ScanFix didn't work out ... maybe you just need to work with it a bit more ? I haven't tried it yet , only read about it , so I have nothing else to offer in the way of help on that . I should try it and see if I get the same results... I got the impression that ScanFix was freeware or shareware , so it seemed like a nice low-cost alternative instead of paying for Digicel or one of the higher-end applications like ToonBoom or TVPaint .
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