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Heather Kilber Gallery


Comments Wanted...
I really would like some comments...:o :o
I'm working on my drawings/painting from life.

(Click to Enlarge)

melonsmasher's picture

wow, great! i think you would be a hell of a good backgrounddesigner, something i cant say :D . love it

Cartuneman/John's picture

Really nice stuff!

Welcome to the forum too! I have a question for ya? do you have any art that is from your imagination? Drawing from real life is great and it looks like you have great skills but I'd like to see how your imagination works. (your minds eye so to speak)

Really nice work though keep posting!


Heather Kilber's picture

Through recent research, I found that knowing how to draw from life is just as important as knowing how to animate. For me, I believe it's difficult to enhance or beef up reality until you know how to create reality. I've been working on school and life drawings a lot lately, it seems to be taking up all my time. Unfortunately leaving no time for me to be creative. Glad to hear good feedback! I will try and post some things from my (Minds eye). ;)

Thanks for the compliments!: melonsmasher & cartuneman
I really like hearing your thoughts.


Katana's picture
Submitted by Katana on

nice work the middle one the best.

Heather Kilber's picture

Today in class I got the chance to draw the Zeus statue again. in my previous post you can see the first drawing of him in volume/cubic form. With this drawing we could do him realistically. Unfortunately I ran out of time so I couldn't finish him. :(
Sorry so light- I sketched him with a 2H pencil.:o

Also a foot study using pastels!;)

(Click to enlarge)