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Animated Love Story

By Ravinder | Monday, September 18, 2006 at 2:40am

Please give the feedback (watch movie on given weblink)


AlanO's picture
Submitted by AlanO on

I liked the style of the characters - very clean. Some of your motions were very nice, but what was generally lacking was a sense of weight. For example when the woman shifts from one foot to the other while waiting, her hips don't seem to rotate showing that her weight has shifted too. Similarly, the walks look too floaty. Realistic character animation is all about weight and force. Keep going and show more when you can.


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Zabrisa's picture
Submitted by Zabrisa on

That walk cycle is surely weird. Them thighs were raised parallel to the ground in each step of that there walk cycle. Sorta like a military goose step where just half the leg (thigh up to the knee) goes straight out while the rest of the leg is kept in.