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We haven't done an UPDATE for a while... just wanted to check in with folks and see what they are up to the days.
This time first:
I am leaving SCAD in two weeks. I have a long of things I want to do during my time off this summer...and I am really excited about them all.
First off, my son, Matt is getting married this summer to Michelle. he is the last of the brood to be married and we are so happy for him. By the way (and yes this is an unmerciful plug) her URL is:
I am in preproduction on a film of my own call CROSSING THE LINE. I will start to animate in two weeks.
Drawing and painting will be a main focus for me this summer. The Low Country area around Savannah offers an unlimited supply subjects to draw and paint.
I want to do a gallery show this summer.
My website will finally be updated.
I may do some online teaching this summer- just a few hours a week.
My son and I will finish a screenplay I started a while back.
I will continue to market Ty B. Bear with T-shirts, my children's book, bumper stickers, coloring books, etc. (these already exist).
And...I plan to do some fishing some more fishing.
No European travel this year....
Congrats on your son's upcoming marriage!
I plan to finish the rotoscoping project and the music video that I've been working on. The rotoscoping is almost done and the video is scheduled to be finished in July/August.
I wanted to have my website updated by June, but it looks like I'm going to need more time. I'm still shooting for this summer.
I'm going to be interviewed for a TV show about Washington, DC area animators. I was invited to participate by animator Steven Fischer, and the show will air locally. :p
I also plan on attending Otakon this year, and I'm going to host a panel about coloring in Flash. I get nervous just thinking about it!
I'm even going to dust off one of my original projects this summer (a puppet production) and actually start filming it.
And last but not least, I plan to keep looking for work, to keep promoting myself and making new contacts, and to improve my skills. Hopefully, I'll be able to work on another of my original projects.
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
Hey Larry! :)
Everytime an animator walks off into the sunset to start on their own projects, an angel gets its wings!, or one thigh and a drumstick!, or something like that. Congratulations!
I'm sorry I'll be (if I'm accepted) going to SCAD just as you're leaving. I take the tour later this week!
If I'm accepted, that's what I've got!, plus a lot of Preston Blair's book in the meantime to get ready. If I'm not accepted, I'll probably mope around all summer, doing little but cooking curries, hypochondria-ing, and watching a lot of cartoons.
that's it for me sorry :confused:
So, I guess everyone's posting updates here. Me next!
I'm starting school in June at UAT Online (University of Advancing Technology). It'll be a while before I actually hit the anmiation classes I'm afraid, so in the meantime, I'm be writing on my project (what would you call a script for a series - a screenplay also?) and practicing Maya on my own.
I'm also contemplating a move back to Tucson from Rapid City but not sure if I should or not. I'll have to see.
That's it for me as well.
I left teaching at Art Institute Vancouver ( and Vancouver Film school) on March 16th of this year, and returned to my humble abode in the BC Cariboo.
"Officially", I'm on hiatus from the school(s), but I'm not sure if I am going to ( or want to) return later this year.
Teachings's become less fullfilling and more frustrating for me over the past 2 years so stepping away from it is probably a good thing.
In a ways, this is a kind of semi-retirement, LOL.
I'm currently just relaxing at home, minding the place while my wife is on the road. The other reason for me giving up teaching is her absences from the home and that we have pets. The critters were being looked after, but it wasn't 24/7 and that wasn't good for them. I'm home now, so they are a lot happier for the company, and so am I.
There's a household move in the winds as well, and the missus and I are currently trying to find out just what's going to happen in that situation.
Freelance works still happens, and I'm fielding some offers and following up others. If I don't get freelance, I'm not going to fret--but its inevitable--the bloody phone always rings right when I get settled down to do something enjoyable.
Mostly, I'm trying to find my muse again.
The past couple of decades have been dedicated to doing commercial projects, and not a lot of time ( physical or emotional) was spent actually on my own stuff.
Well, now I have the time.
I have several animation pitch ideas, some long-delayed comic book projects and a wretchedly-neglected portfolio to fill my waking moments.
I'm hopelessly addicted to a toy collecting hobby and now have the time to indulge in things like some paint touch-ups and dioramas for my beloved Marvel Legends and 12" GIJOE figures. And I have some model kits that I've stockpiled going back over 25 years, oy!
Hell, I might even try becoming a decent cook..
Yea, "fun" is gonna be my new occupation.
Unless, the damn phone rings........
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
I am still just barely getting by with my freelance vector work. But I am happy. And every little success is so much better than things were when I was working for someone else. So I am happy.
I'd like to get back into animating...haven't really done much for a year or so.
Hope you don't get any hurricanes this year Larry to throw you off your goals. Someday I am going to visit the south and sample some of that famous sweet tea you guys drink down there.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Mostly, I'm getting ready for the Vancouver move, and VFS in August. It's pretty ironic that Ken, a guy about four years older than me, is "retiring" from teaching at the school I'm just now enrolling in.
I'd get more philosophical, but right now I'm in the midst of packing (and swearing off my pack-rat tendencies for about the tenth time.) I'm still looking for a place, but expecting to be restricted to one room. Mostly, I'm trying to narrow my definition of what is and isn't "reference material" so that I won't get my room completely jammed up, and end up having to sleep in my car.
Otherwise, I'm developing a love/frustration relationship with After Effects that'll probably last my whole career. The fact that you can scan your drawings in, and animate them in the computer just appeals to the lazy bastard in me.
Cobster Update
My funding to enable me to work full-time on my short film "A Small Room" has just come to an end :( . I've completed a quarter of it and some scenes can be seen at the start of my showreel here. Crits are welcome.
So I'll only be working on it my spare time as in June I start a three-month film and media placement with a local company to produce a short film to promote one of their products.
Visit my website:
Claire O'
Hello Professor Lauria,
Congratuations to your son. You must be very proud.
I'm now living in Burbank, California and am currently animating for Cartoon Network. I really enjoy it here, and am lucky to be working with some very talented artists. There's always a lot of new things to learn, new techniques to try out. In a couple of months, I'm going to join the Animation Guild.
During my free time, I still animate my own stuff whenever I can. The work I do is never in short supply.
Hope you have a productive summer.
Sam Chi
well off late things have quietened down. had a few balls up in the air with major broadcasters (2) regarding a production of our own another for some service work for another broadcaster around 60 mins in Flash. working on stuff for a major portal for the past few weeks which we finished. they are coming back with some more work. i should get the paperwork today i think.
honestly i am really hoping that either our own production or the service thing works out because im not enjoying the portals work at all. its purely a money thing.
other than that im going to have to start looking for some new jobs for the team because this is a monkey on my back i dont want.
I thougt I would take this chance to ask you, how is your office holding up? Is the rain coming in or have you found that one spot in a room where everything that has gone there wabbles. Do you miss the new office smell?
hey wontobe. i cant smell anything. i wish it were because of all the cocaine i was doing since i make so much money but its simply coz of allergies :)
things are allright. trying to do something original even when you have found producers is such an uphill battle in a market like India because people arent really passionate about animation or childrens content. They are also quite risk averse.So its an uphill climb.
i have found a source of work which is allright. it will cover my monthly expenses for the guys and it dosent take too long to do. but its quite boring. and i simply hate it.
so were really hoping to get back to proper animation either with our concept or work for someone else.
Oh my god, even animators get into coke when they become a success? Sweet!
Animators either
a) went to art school
b) worked at Broadcast Arts in the 80s
c) are crazy
How could anyone be shocked to find out they do drugs?
Hey Larry!
Leave SCAD knowing you left your mark and there are a lot of succesful animators working now very much in part because of you! You know I am in San Fran, anytime your here give me a ring and we'll go out and have a drink! Keep in touch!
Character Animator - Lucas Arts
I slaved most of the weekend over illustrations for Animation Magazine's Pitch Party ads. It's tough getting them to look right at the size they require. Personally, I'll be satisfied if the guys at my school open their July issues of AM and see my name associated with two projects featured there - but who knows ... ?
new for me too
Been a while since I was here.
After about ten years as a production manager I decided to revisit what I have always loved most and have been editing for the past year and a half. Curently I'm involved in timing the show Carl Squared. I sort of miss PMing but there is something magical about cutting footage. I find the time just slips away and I no longer think of the world. I'm also addicted to the site . downloading all sorts of open source films and re-cutting them into weird new sequences. Lots of fun!
The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts