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E3 06

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

E3 06
The biggest gaming event of the year. Full of the industries' biggest titles, developers, gamers and...the revolution of the game console as we know it.
This year at E3 will be the unveiling of the new PS3 and the Nintendo Wii which many predict will spawn a drastic change in the way we all play video games. Avid fans of gaming will be treated to new titles for each console, such as the premiere of Halo 3 for the Xbox 360, Grand Theft Auto IV (which will appear on the Xbox) Spore for the Pc, Mario Galaxy for the Wii, Metal Gear Solid 4 and ....the new installment of Zelda for the Wii and Gamecube respectively.
We all have been waiting for the PS3 since summer of 05 and we all had dreams of picking up that moon shaped controle, inserting an Rpg into it's 50 kgb harddrive and immersing ourselves in it's breathtaking graphics.........well..scratch that. If you want to get your hands on the PS3, it's gonna cost ya, yeah it's gonna cost ya a lot--like say...$600 big ones. What the hell are the people at Sony thinking, with a price tag that, extravagant, people are gonna be out of homes--that thing costs more than a car! But fear not, you have the convenient option to choose from, two payment choices: cough out $500 dollars and receive the less powerful 20kgb Ps3, pay $600 dollars and your reward will be the more powerful 50kgb harddrive for the console:o *way to go Sony, great way to make us all fell like 2nd rate poor folk* You know what will be great!? Maybe the Demand and Supply of the PS3 will become inelastic and the price will fall.......:D Well it won't but it was still a plausable theory.

Post your fun filled thoughts regarding E3 here, I can't go this year, but that need not mean you keep me in the dark, I would love to hear any and everything regarding the biggest gaming event in the world.;)

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture
He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit. Diemeras Dark Angel

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

It isn't, but since you all are avid animators and gamers, you should be an exception.

One of the greatest games of all time will have a sequal, so anticipated that it will have it's own holiday......

Yes, I'm talking about.....GOD OF WAR II.

To this day, 12 may 06, I am still playing the game, I've beaten all challenges in the game itself, and I am near the end and when I say near the end, I mean in the underworld.
Yes, I found Pandora's box and yes, Aries killed me (bastard), but fear not, Kratos and I will overcome this trial too. I am currently playing on hard mode and the most difficult challenge I had to overcome, would deffinately be the room before claiming pandora's box, you know...the room with the moving floors, fire shooting archers and those million harpies you must took me hours to beat this and I got immeasurebly frustrated...but hey, I'm playing on hard mode.

I do hope you all go pick up GOW II when it is released for the PS2, and for all of you who have not yet played this truly bad ass game you can always go pick up it up. (I hear it's on sale.....$20 dollars;) that's a nice deal)

Share your god of war tips, tricks and....anything you have to say about this game and E3...we the game beasts at AWN, would love to hear from you.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

MightyMew1's picture
Submitted by MightyMew1 on

I thought E3 wasn't open to the public...

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane