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The Politically Correct Parody (flash animation)

Hey all my fellow awn locals. Here's my lastest Flash project. It's a parody of "I'm Just A Bill." We wanted to tackle the PC theme that has overwhelmed our society these days. It's not necessary my stance on the issue, but it was fun as h3ll to animate it! I only spent about a week on it... wish I had had more time but art is never finished only abandoned, as they say. Check it out and tell me what you think!

The Political Correctness Parody



Oberyn's picture
Submitted by Oberyn on

not bad.

I notice someone didn't want a swastika in there, so Manson's got an "X" on his forehead... Don't talk to me about being politically correct, scared of a little nazi tattoo.

good fun otherwise :D

motionmilitia's picture

Thanks for the comments guys! Glad you dig it.

Funny thing is I found photos of an X on his forehead as well... I couldn't figure out which it was! I would've put the swastika, had I known that was what is really on his forehead. Maybe it started as an X and then down the road he altered it into a swastika?

Oberyn's picture
Submitted by Oberyn on

hmmm- yeah that's possible. he may have been "rehabilitated." fair enough :) ...keep up the good work

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Well, I thought it was funny. Do you have to pay the voice talent are do you have enough people around you to fill in the dialog?

eugeneromero's picture

That was really good. I can't believe it only took you a week. It would've taken me a lot longer to do that. Really funny.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Great stuff, but don't think I'll be seeing it on pbs anytime soon.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Archie's picture
Submitted by Archie on

Fantastic. Absolutley brilliant.