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My Question to SkinnyLizard

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

Hey Skinny Lizard, just wondering, what is it you exactly do, i HEAR YOU RUN your own studio, how exciting, in the animation industry how is it you intend to affect it, what are your goals?
No biggy, just wanted to know.

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture
He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit. Diemeras Dark Angel

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

Let me recap: you have a commitment to air from WB, yet you can leave with your property if you choose with no ramifications. And you want to know if you should walk away from this deal and take a chance on syndicating?

Are you nuts? :eek:

If the situation is as you represent it, you can't possibly lose. WB has committed to airing your show. If your show doesn't make the schedule, and you don't like the reasons why the WB gives you, THEN is the time to walk with your property, if in fact you can. It's nice that you have a contact at 4Kids, but they're a producer, not a network. They'd still have to sell your show to someone, and you will have taken one major player out of the picture by walking.

Frankly, I'm surprised to hear that WB has let you retain rights to your show - that's usually the first thing that gets signed over to the network. But if you say you can walk with it, I have no reason to doubt you.

A more important question is why would you want to leave? Creative issues? More money? Both? Neither? Most animators would give their eyeteeth and lesser-used limbs to have a network commitment on a show they created.

If you take off, let me know first; I want to be at the head of the line to fill the vaccum you create :D

Thank you for being the first to answer my call.
I'm sorry, but we here at the WB are not accepting any new concepts at this time, we are currently focusing our attention on WB owned properties and franchises. I understand your comments clearly, so let me explain..............
I have a pilot I'm working on and no it is not what you think, it is not an entire season like what is normally done, I came up with the idea that we should create an actual pilot to test the responsiveness to the show, because this cartoon will be a high budget show and I knew that they would not wish to risk useful money.
I am not "tied down" with the WB, reasons I will not discuss, but only a person like me can possess such special teatment :) , begs the question doesn't it, who am I? don't worry you will know in due time, but for now I still am not certain if I will even air my show this fall, this merger with UPN really has a profound effect.
The money is really in the hundreds of thousands, so eat your heart out, talk to me more so I will know what exactly to do.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

ScatteredLogical's picture

Oh, I think I'd have to care first, before the worrying started.

First order of business (no pun intended) is to use your infinite cosmic power (occupational humor, ar ar ar)....and try making your own decisions.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

The money is really in the hundreds of thousands, so eat your heart out, talk to me more so I will know what exactly to do.

I am so are so rich and successful!

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

only a person like me can possess such special teatment...

so eat your heart out...

talk to me more so I will know what exactly to do.

I'd suggest upping the dose on your meds.

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

I'd suggest upping the dose on your meds.

Ha, Ha very funny :)

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

Oh, I think I'd have to care first, before the worrying started.

First order of business (no pun intended) is to use your infinite cosmic power (occupational humor, ar ar ar)....and try making your own decisions.

All I asked for was your....OPINION...on the matter, hey thanks for your input :p

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Hundreds of thousands, are you including residuals and other contractual fees that will follow the show? You need to do your homework on this. You aren't fooling anyone here at AWN, give it up!

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Harvey Human's picture

begs the question doesn't it, who am I?

I can't imagine there are that many independently-wealthy 17-year-old animation producers holding six college degrees. You shouldn't be that difficult to track down.

skinnylizard's picture

I can't imagine there are that many independently-wealthy 17-year-old animation producers holding six college degrees. You shouldn't be that difficult to track down.

well atleast he is 17.

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

Hundreds of thousands, are you including residuals and other contractual fees that will follow the show? You need to do your homework on this. You aren't fooling anyone here at AWN, give it up!

I am not indicating that I get paid Hundreds of thousands, at least not yet, I anticipate I will be paid even more, once we start merchandising, for now, I will stand to receive that amount so as long as I agree to producing the show for the up coming seasons.
I am sorry, I was speaking in general, producers do get paid high amounts of money, and there are many factors that influence his income, as far as I have learned. Do not flare me so heniously, my honesty speaks well of me.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

I can't imagine there are that many independently-wealthy 17-year-old animation producers holding six college degrees. You shouldn't be that difficult to track down.

What is it that has you veterans so intrigued about my lifestyle............That is always my flaw, I never listen, I should have never mentioned anything about my self :( if it has you all so up in arms, that is one of the reasons why I will not reveal my location. If you must know..I am a green animation producer-emphasis on green, pick sense out of nonsense, I may have become this financially inclined by other means after all, I am multi talented and I do know a lot of powerful people. I had little help from my parents because they are middleclassed, let me tell you this...I was damn lucky that's all, happy! but if not for my talents, I would have never be where I am today.
Next time, I will listen to my elders and not disclose my personal information tocomplete strangers...on - the - internet, I never expected you all to react this way, I feel alienated and sad that you would do this.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

The money is really in the hundreds of thousands, so eat your heart out, talk to me more so I will know what exactly to do.

Mail all of us a check. :D I have nothing positive to add, I am just chirpping in.

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

Mail all of us a check. :D

i MUST SAY, you made me fall off my seat laughing, I actually cried when I saw your post, my collegues here at my workplace saw this and they all laughed, , Thank you so much for making my DAY:D
Thank You

I will consider it if you give me the address:p

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

What exactly is that i do?
well i run a studio named Illusion Interactive. i work on the writing and cinematic aspect of the work we do and am gradually reducing all my creative inputs and moving towards the business side of things.

How Exciting?
well it isnt as exciting as it sounds. its a lot of brow beating and trying to keep your head above the water and not give into the temptation of doing crap work for easy money, which is begining to lose yummier and yummier a proposition.

What are my goals?
Be solvent, generate revenue, have a consistently full pipeline. Short term - Close a deal to start a project by the end of Feb coz my slates clean from there.
How do i intend to affect it?[/B]
Let the guys do their job, allow them the freedom to make creative decisions without fear of backlash, a healthy creative environment as long as they meet deadlines and are honest to the work.

I am glad you are making your dent in the wide industry of animation. Please I have someting gravely important to ask of you, please answer my call.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

His middle name is Disney. :D

ScatteredLogical's picture

The only 'intrigue' for me is whether or not you actually believe people are taking you seriously. Do you find yourself incredibly clever, and think the ruse a success? If so, that fascinates me. It's like that old episode of Reboot (I guess they're all old, actually) where Enzo asks to be twice as smart as everyone and everyone else just becomes half as smart as him. Or the bad singers at Idol always wonder if they think they're good or can't own up to the facts and try anyways not making logical sense of what they're attempting to do.

Just had to blurt, that's all the attention I have to give for this =)

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

I am glad you are making your dent in the wide industry of animation, please I have someting gravely important to ask of you, please answer my call.

Let me recap: you have a commitment to air from WB, yet you can leave with your property if you choose with no ramifications. And you want to know if you should walk away from this deal and take a chance on syndicating?

Are you nuts? :eek:

If the situation is as you represent it, you can't possibly lose. WB has committed to airing your show. If your show doesn't make the schedule, and you don't like the reasons why the WB gives you, THEN is the time to walk with your property, if in fact you can. It's nice that you have a contact at 4Kids, but they're a producer, not a network. They'd still have to sell your show to someone, and you will have taken one major player out of the picture by walking.

Frankly, I'm surprised to hear that WB has let you retain rights to your show - that's usually the first thing that gets signed over to the network. But if you say you can walk with it, I have no reason to doubt you.

A more important question is why would you want to leave? Creative issues? More money? Both? Neither? Most animators would give their eyeteeth and lesser-used limbs to have a network commitment on a show they created.

If you take off, let me know first; I want to be at the head of the line to fill the vaccum you create :D

skinnylizard's picture

What exactly is that i do?
well i run a studio named Illusion Interactive. i work on the writing and cinematic aspect of the work we do and am gradually reducing all my creative inputs and moving towards the business side of things.

How Exciting?
well it isnt as exciting as it sounds. its a lot of brow beating and trying to keep your head above the water and not give into the temptation of doing crap work for easy money, which is begining to lose yummier and yummier a proposition.

What are my goals?
Be solvent, generate revenue, have a consistently full pipeline. Short term - Close a deal to start a project by the end of Feb coz my slates clean from there.
How do i intend to affect it?[/B]
Let the guys do their job, allow them the freedom to make creative decisions without fear of backlash, a healthy creative environment as long as they meet deadlines and are honest to the work.

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

The only 'intrigue' for me is whether or not you actually believe people are taking you seriously. Do you find yourself incredibly clever, and think the ruse a success? If so, that fascinates me. It's like that old episode of Reboot (I guess they're all old, actually) where Enzo asks to be twice as smart as everyone and everyone else just becomes half as smart as him. Or the bad singers at Idol always wonder if they think they're good or can't own up to the facts and try anyways not making logical sense of what they're attempting to do.

Just had to blurt, that's all the attention I have to give for this =)

One of the main circumstances of my coming clean, was never expecting the people here at awn to think I was an imposter, I need not go through great lenghts to prove my sincerity, because you will learn all about me in time to come, that is when my show comes out, because then I will have no other choice, but until carry on..because it doesn't bother me anymore, I don't lose any sleep over it. So hey.....say what you want.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

skinnylizard's picture

i dont know what you mean by 'pick up'
at best i would advise you to wait and see where the show is going and then make your moves instead of jumping out when you arent a 100% sure of what is going on.

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

What is it that has you veterans so intrigued about my lifestyle............That is always my flaw, I never listen, I should have never mentioned anything about my self :( if it has you all so up in arms, that is one of the reasons why I will not reveal my location. If you must know..I am a green animation producer-emphasis on green, pick sense out of nonsense, I may have become this financially inclined by other means after all, I am multi talented and I do know a lot of powerful people. I had little help from my parents because they are middleclassed, let me tell you this...I was damn lucky that's all, happy! but if not for my talents, I would have never be where I am today.
Next time, I will listen to my elders and not disclose my personal information tocomplete strangers...on - the - internet, I never expected you all to react this way, I feel alienated and sad that you would do this.

Noooo, the reason you shouldn't have mentioned anything about yourself was because those with any genuine experience in the Animation business would see the gaping holes in your story. You've clearly forgotten, or are not aware that some folks posting here have 10-15-20 years or more experience in the actual business.

I'm not fooled for a second, kid.
You haven't shown one whit of any of these "talents" here, so anything you claim is hollow.
We wait, we wonder.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Give it up DD, you've been outed. Next time you register for something, try and use a zip code that hasn't been publicized on a major tv show. It'll make your ruse more credible.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

richard oconnor's picture

It's common to retain "rights" to pilot purchased by one network if that network doesn't pick up the show.

You typically have to wait a certain period, sometimes pay a nominal fee to recoup production expenses, and sometimes credit their development execs.

It's pretty standard.