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question any professional animator

By kkhardima | Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 5:38pm


I would like to ask an animator one question for a school project.

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

Don't you start as well!

The Brothers McLeod

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

"A question? Since before your sun burned hot in space, I have awaited........a question."

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

cartoonchaos's picture

My god.... when the raw creative powers of artists goes dangerously unchecked by an open ended statement...

Don't burn the carpet, fellas.

Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

ScatteredLogical's picture

Maybe it's never coming. Maybe it was solely a statement of desire.

I have always wanted to visit Europe.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Glad everyone is having such a good time, but come on folks...anyone that has been here for anytime, knows the students descend every year with a list of the same questions for professional animators. It's an assignment. I for one wish they would use the search function and pull up the previous answers over the years.

But I have enjoyed watching this thread. Hope I am not being a killjoy.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.'s picture

This wasn't an assignment. I'm looking at 3D animation as a carrer, and i am signing up for my senior classes right now, i was just wondering if there were any specific classes that you all took that were helpful.

Harvey Human's picture

computer graphics
life drawing

More important than high school classes is to work in 3D programs every day. Maybe complete a different online tutorial each day.

DrSpecter's picture
Submitted by DrSpecter on

How do you keep a professional animator in suspense?

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

Take the battery out of his pencil sharpener - tell him you'll give it back, but don't tell him when

The Brothers McLeod

motionmilitia's picture

kkhardima, I'll answer your question in.... about... 5 days.

In the meantime, how about a better question. APE! Can you tell us about your experience with Animation Mentor so far? I've been thinking about enrolling in the near future, but as you are aware it is pretty spendy. Granted, the Mentors are all very talented... but how it is working out? Are there any communication barriers when taking these classes online? Any other issues?

thanks man!


kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

How do you keep a professional animator in suspense?

By repeating posts? ;)

And to answer the one legitmate quesion so far:

I took alot of math, science and computer programming (it was basic and Dos back then). I also took art and photo (those were my favorite classes). I didn't know I wanted to be an animator. Take drawing, especially life drawing, if they've got it. It'll help even if you want to do 3D stuff.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Animated Ape's picture

Hello kkhardima, and welcome to the AWN Forums. What is your question?

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

I must know the question TELL ME!

The Brothers McLeod

Harvey Human's picture

I'm sorry, but I cannot allow this question to be asked.

Harvey Human's picture

To answer the question, I personally don't believe in Santa Claus, but the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. In other words, there are known unknowns and unknown knowns and even unknown unknowns. This is the case of a known unknown unknown known gnome.

kkhardima's picture
Submitted by kkhardima on


I wanted to know if there are any cartoon animators that has gone to school for their profession and, in choosing your career do you feel that it was the best career for you and Why.

cartoonchaos's picture

Kinda like peeking at your Christmas presents, huh fellas?

Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

Harvey Human's picture

I have a question.
Why does it take someone five days to ask a question?

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

I'll get back to you on that...

blinkmetoys's picture

im guessing they either:

A. found their information elsewhere


B. Forgot about/lost the link to this site

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

Animated Ape's picture

Hi kkhardima, yes, I went to and graduated from a 4 year art school and majored in Animation/Illustration. Currently I am also taking animation classes at

Animation is the only thing I've ever wanted to do since I knew I had to actually grow up and get a job. So, yes, this is the best career for me.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Doubt's picture
Submitted by Doubt on

Come on harvey, Santa's existance has been documented in several films so let's just leave him out of this.

Now back to the Question. It helps if you submit one.

Harvey Human's picture

Come on harvey, Santa's existance has been documented in several films so let's just leave him out of this.

Dude, don't push your religious beliefs on me. I'm happy with my current religion, Swampthingism.

Fazendinha's picture
Submitted by Fazendinha on

I'm with you harvey! In my country, we don't have Santa (traditionally speaking) it's baby Jesus that brings the presents... wich begs the question? How is a newborn baby able to bring presents for everyone?

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"

Harvey Human's picture

I haven't gotten one goddamned present from a goddamned newborn baby, which probably means I'm not practicing the right goddamned religion. I only get presents from swamp monsters: not as cute, but less stinky.

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

I was given a newborn baby by Santa once, I really wanted a train set, I think he'd be on the sherry.

The answer?

A small bucket of water and a french polish.

The Brothers McLeod

Harvey Human's picture

I would now like to ask kkhardima a question.