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Is sound dead?

By kdiddy13 | Monday, November 14, 2005 at 5:14pm

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Seeing as it's Monday, I thought it was time to start another one of these threads.

I saw a movie the other day that didn't have sound to it. Is this the end of sound in movies or did I just have the mute button on and couldn't find the remote?

kdiddy13's picture
Producing solidily ok animation since 2001. Now with more doodling!

Fazendinha's picture
Submitted by Fazendinha on

at least, sound seems to be dead in the project that I'm working on, we're already working on a second version of the block-O-matic and we still don't have any sound effect, music or voice over...

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"

djpuppyt's picture
Submitted by djpuppyt on

I generally create sound free films, but my films are more moving paintings than narrative films so they're better viewed without sound. With that being said I do use a lot of my films during my live performances as visuals and improvise based on the images.

I have noticed in a few movies that I've seen lately that sounds/music whatever have been more of a distraction than a good coherent piece in the film. The name of the most recent film escapes me at this moment but the overall feel of the sound distracted me from the movie and the soundtrack was basically product placement.

Anyway, depending on the project, sound may not be necessary, but I can't say sound is dead.

motionmilitia's picture

I love see a piece before and after it has sound to it... makes you realize how much sound really adds to it.

There's a beautiful scene in Jarhead when they're under attack and the main character just stands there frozen. An explosion goes off near him and for a second everything is silent... then you hear (and see) the subtle trickle of sand particles raining down. It's flippin genius editing.

Animated Ape's picture

There's a beautiful scene in Jarhead when they're under attack and the main character just stands there frozen. An explosion goes off near him and for a second everything is silent... then you hear (and see) the subtle trickle of sand particles raining down. It's flippin genius editing.

Yeah, that was a great scene. Really well filmed movie. Great visuals.

As for sound being dead? Sure why not. It's a crazy pantomime world! :P

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

blinkmetoys's picture

Seeing as it's Monday, I thought it was time to start another one of these threads.

I saw a movie the other day that didn't have sound to it. Is this the end of sound in movies or did I just have the mute button on and couldn't find the remote?

after reading the subject title for this thread in the list i just started cracking up. out loud at that.

it always amazes me how SFX make stuff so much better, its amazing.

but i do love making animations without vocals.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

Just to clarify it was a joke on the 'Is 2d/3d dead' thread that keeps popping up.

However, I'm glad people have found something interesting in it to discuss.

Personally, I'm a bit of a minimalist in my animations (or at least in theory), saving up sound and dialogue for when it's really important.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!