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Hand drawn

By grega | Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 11:12am

The Brothers McLeod


I've just started my first ever hand drawn film.

I've made tons of stuff using a graphic cut out style. This is the first time I've attempted anything using a more traditional method.

The weird thing is I'm getting a much more positive response to this new stuff. I'm wondering if there there's more of a connection with something that has been created by hand, where the viewer can see a physicality in the work. Identifying with the stroke on the paper rather than the anonymity of the computer generated shapes I've used previously.

Anyhoo it's good fun, but I'm getting through sheets and sheets of paper.

Someone plant more trees.

grega's picture
The Brothers McLeod [SIZE=2][/SIZE]

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I agree. My hand drawn work (or at least the one that I've released) gets a much better response than my other 3D work, even though it's far from being quality drawings. That may be because of the subject/story though.

I've noticed that I'm much more drawn (forgive the pun) to traditional animation, even Anime (please take any anime discussion to the thread going on a couple door down). I think it's the imperfection of the hand drawn image that allows people to connect to it quicker than other forms of computer generated imagery. While it's possible to get that connection on the computer, I think you have to work much harder to get that imperfection back. Especially in 3D. Our minds deal very well with the vague and iconic imagery of 2d imagery. Scott McCloud's "Understanding Comics" has a very good section on this.

And please, post what you're working on. I'm sure we'd all love to see what you're working on!

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

I will post some stuff at the end of the week

The Brothers McLeod

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I think it's a matter of taste, and sometimes snobbery Gregga. I've always enjoyed all of you work and find it very stylish and simplified. I admire that, some folks don't.


Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.