Mike Futcher - www.yogyog.org
Hello there everyone.
I’m looking for the name of those pictures - basically there’s a layer of transparent plastic with aprox. 1 millimetre wide groves in it, and behind it a series of images printed in such a way that from different angles you can see different images. Sometimes you get 4 different images, sometimes just 2. They’re not holograms.
Does anyone know what there called so that I can look for places that pring them?
GREAT Question! I wont to know that too. :D
Yes - Lenticular.:)
Nice word. Thanks - I'd never have guessed it. I wander if I'll be able to remember it.:confused:
A quick websearch proved that printing it is an expensive buisness - so I'm put off the idea of selling some moving prints. Oh well.:(
They work by having a thin line of each image printed behind the transarant groovy surfice.:cool:
Mike Futcher - www.yogyog.org
DUDE! I've always wanted to know what those damn things were called! Thank you! My quest is complete