Help me with maya!

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Help me with maya!

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to know if maya is a suitable program for hand drawn 2D animation?
Also what's a good book that teaches maya?

Thanks guys

Maya is strictly a 3D program. The documentation that comes with the program is pretty good and has tutorials if you don't want to by a book.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

I am all over this board far too much to keep talking, but the year after I left the school I was at got Maya, and the students there said there was no doubt in their minds why the marketing talks about their "award-winning support." And these are students, mind you.

I have a basic familiarity with the program. I don't own it but I've used it. Is there a particular problem that the manual isn't covering too well for you?

Oh, and Maya is for 2D as water is for cereal. Find some milk software. You don't have to use Flash for it's computer features, but if you do scans or digital photos, so long as you've registered your drawings properly, the load-in-sequence feature in that is superb for seeing how your timing is working, etc. Plus you can export to a bunch of movie formats!

Maya is strictly a 3D program.

Maya isn't strictly a 3D program. South Park - a 2D animated show - is done with Maya.
If you're doing a cut-out style cartoon - like South Park - Maya may be a good choice, but there are certainly better programs available for more advanced 2D.

I knew Alias/Wavefront software was used for South Park, since it's in the credits. I didn't think of Maya directly, but I guess you could use it for a "super" ToonBoom for scaling/perspective/dimensionalizing the layout. That's interesting.

With the following link, you can find a bunch of pages on which the South Park creators discuss why and how they use Maya.

Here's a wireframe shot:

Ah! Now I remember the behind the scenes special. Interesting links!

Thanks guys for advice on maya!

I don't own maya. I just wanted some feedback on the programm to see if it is worth learning for me. I am more interested in hand drawn 2D animation. However I do like some of the animation styles that maya can produce.

Is there another software which is more affordable and is able to perform like maya?

Finally can not knowing maya prevent your from getting a job in animation?

gavvalion :)