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Please critique (3D short, 9.4 Mb)

By Paco | Monday, September 20, 2004 at 9:13am

Hi, please critique on my short:

The story is quite dumb (as result, the title is precisely "a dumb story"). I'm most interested in char. anim, yet the result seems kind of weird, just don't know what i'm doing wrong or not doing corect.

9.4 Mbs
Quicktime Sorenson 3.


ScatteredLogical's picture

Mine is relevant...what you -don't- do motion-wise is as important as what you do...

madaman90's picture
Submitted by madaman90 on

Didn't intend that towards you...i was referring to the advertisement....but now that we're on the subject of the draconian pause,

while you're totally right in what you said....just mention that "what you do is important as what you don't do" in the same post. that's all:)

I ALMOSt didn't get what you meant by that class of yours. Almost. But a hairline before I read your latest post, I got it...phew:)


Vivec's picture
Submitted by Vivec on

Hi Paco.

your short is ok however the animation does seem robotic you need more motion in the hands and face but a good start do you have any other animations on the way.

Character Animator

Me and the Graph Editor have a understanding

Animated Ape's picture

Paco, the main problems that I see is that the characters movements are too watery, and you don't have any antics or settling when the character moves.

By watery I mean the character is never really in any pose. He is always moving around. You move to a pose, and hold. Move to another pose, and hold. The lack of antics and settling is the reason his movements look robotic. Things don't just 'go,' they gather up energy and then move. The opposite is also true. Things don't just stop. They either go past the point they want to stop at then settle back, or they slowly ease in to the pose. Even mechanical things do this. I hope this helps you out some.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

madaman90's picture
Submitted by madaman90 on

Ape is correct. and I like the way he used the word "watery".
Posing will help you out a great deal. Being an animator means that you have to be responsible for WHY you choose to put characters in the poses that you do. You'll get the hang of it with time though. That's acting for ya.

The only thing that I will say beyond what Ape already said is that because this is animation, things CAN STOP.....the only catch with stopping is that you have to have a reason for it. "freezing" is an emotional state...only if it's emotional can it also be physical (did you catch all of that?). It's not illegal to use in animation, it's just tricky because if you don't use it in the right way, it can make your animation look stiff and additionally dumb.

For now,
listen to Ape, that monkey knows everything:)


ScatteredLogical's picture

Funny how monkey and money are so close in spelling. A lesson there for us all?

I remember a high school English class. A recitation of a Shakespearean sonnet....I was 17 lines in....then....searching....searching....phew, 19, 20, and then onward to the finish...My teacher's response..."Very well....I trust that was a....Draconian pause....rather than some sort of memory block..."

I'm sure this has some sort of's early/late...dont' mind me =)