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MattiasA Gallery

By MattiasA | Monday, May 29, 2006 at 6:49am

Hello new to this forum and just ready with my homesite

and a blog at

/reg Mattias

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

People tend to think bicycle helmets are uncool, this is a growing concern to me. In order to popularize the bicycle helmets I've made three rather cool helmets for all the cool people out there..
Made while going on the train from Gothenburg to Stockholm, it puts some strain to the lines


Katana's picture
Submitted by Katana on

To bad they didn't tap your expertise when they made "The Yellow Submarine"...It's just to funny what you do....I see alot of Brit humor there

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

thanks Katana, I prefer to see it as Swede humour though

Cartuneman/John's picture

One of these days you're gonna be Rich dude!

well at least rich in sketches hahahahahahaha

yet another fantastic addition to your sketch book!

I'd love to colab with you on a kids book or show! You should start a blog too or a web site!


priji's picture
Submitted by priji on

its wonderful design. too good too good....................:eek:

Heathen's picture
Submitted by Heathen on

That last one made me think of "Le Petit Prince" or "the little prince".

Good stuff!

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

Thanks, where do I go for design? not sure what you mean

Katana's picture
Submitted by Katana on

..Once again, I am in awe of your work...

Katana's picture
Submitted by Katana on

I still think you need to get into the New Yorker Magazine..wonderful stuff.

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

I took a Master of Fine Arts in Graphic design (with very little Illustration) at Hdk (the school of Design and crafts at Gothenburg University).

Prior to this I studied two years at Architect school at Chalmers University

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

As we are leaving Gothenburg I want to make an inprint of the city, therefore I follow in the Swedish 17 century artist Erik Dahlberg (his great work is called Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, the old and new Sweden)footsteps in trying to show our city to the world.
Artists like to travel with comfort and I'm no exception to this rule, my trusty pygmy elephant have never failed me yet.


Katana's picture
Submitted by Katana on

uhm....are we married? Rofl...good stuff...

Scruffy Rasputin's picture

Just wanted to say that I adore your architectural pieces :D They have an amazing amount of detail and a great sense of playfulness to them.
Also, your ink-washes are really well done.

"One of the major difficulties Trillian experienced in her relationship with Zaphod was learning to distinguish between him pretending to be stupid just to get people off their guard, pretending to be stupid because he couldn't be bothered to think and wanted someone else to do it for him, pretending to be outrageously stupid to hide the fact that he actually didn't understand what was going on, and really being genuinely stupid." ~Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

Today Alcoholism amongst domesticated animals

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

feel a little spent after the transportation stuff

MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

Made while going by train from Gothenburg to stockholm, makes the line wobbly at times

victorthroe's picture
Submitted by victorthroe on

frickin awesome

not only do you have nice work...but you have plenty of it

my only critique is that your work rarely contains recession and that can flatten an otherwise dynamic image

but thats a personal taste thang...and i love what i see

im going to recommend this thread to everyone i know
for more movies and downloads

the fastest polygon in the west!


MattiasA's picture
Submitted by MattiasA on

New tools from Baroque and Decker
