The Ink and Paint of Music
Amin Bhatia recounts a day in his life as an "electronic composer" for animated TV shows, explaining his tools and techniques.
Software Review: Web Painter
One of Totally Hip's "Hip Clips"In the last issue, I looked at Macromedia's Flash, a program that allows you to do animation for the Web. This month, I tested out Totally Hip Software's WebPainter, a program with the same general purpose as Flash, but aimed at a different market. While Flash works with vector-based images and allows a considerable amount of interactivity for a rather high price; WebPainter allows you to easily create GIF animations, and is inexpensive, but lacks the interactivity and more professional look that Flash is capable of.
If you already have a program like...
Carl Stalling and Humor in Cartoons
Daniel Goldmark shows how Carl Stalling, who may have been the most skilled and clever composer of cartoon music Hollywood ever had, used music to create gags and help tell a story at the same time.
Who's Afraid of ASCAP? Popular Songs in the Silly Symphonies
From 1929 to 1939, Disney's Silly Symphonies united animation with a rich array of music, including such songs as "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf." J.B. Kaufman reports.
"A Screw Here, a Crank There"e;: Payut Ngaokrachang and the Origins of Thai Animation
The father of Thai animation, Payut Ngaokrachang, tells John A. Lent how he got his start through a set of fortuitous circumstances.
The Dream of Color Music, And Machines That Made it Possible
William Moritz gives a quick and dazzling historical overview attempts to create visual music using "color organs."
The Influence of Religion on Early European Animation
P. Pluie-Toile expounds on the mysteries and surprising richness of religious imagery found in the fledgling works of various European animation industries.
Yvonne Anderson: Profile of a Pioneer
Wendy Jackson details the career of Yvonne Andersen, founder of the Yellow Ball Workshop, and pioneer of teaching animation to children.
Editor's Notebook
Kids Making Animation: A Sampling of Children's Animation Workshops Around the World
A look at what's going on in a selection of children's animation workshops in North and South America, Europe and Israel.
16e Festival du Dessin animé de Bruxelles
Logo du festival par Johan DeMoor.La seizie ition du Festival du Dessin animde Bruxelles, organis par Folioscope se tenait du 4 au 16 frier, piode de congscolaire du Mardi Gras.
Mis part une rrospective sur les pionniers du genre au Mus du Cina, la manifestation belge ait circonscrite cette ann dans une unique salle (celle du Passage 44). L'organisateur en effet, n'ait pas parvenu reconduire un accord satisfaisant avec le "Botanique" (centre...
Trees for Life: Making Life Better Through Fruit Trees and Animation
Heather Kenyon reports how Balbir Mathur and his organization, Trees for Life, with help from Frick Back, are using animation in to help people in the third world plant trees.
Going on Their Own in Vancouver
With animation booming in Vancouver, Sean Maclennan Murch explains how and why studios there are trying to sashay out of contract work and into their own properties.
Children's Animation, a Universal Language?
The BBC's Theresa Plummer-Andrews provides a light-hearted look at the problems and peccadilloes of producing animated children's programming for the international marketplace.
UNICEF Draws on Talent to Advance Children's Rights
Deborah Reber provides a look on how almost 80 studios around the world joined forces to form UNICEF's International Animation Consortium for Child Rights.
The Making of Child Soldiers
John W. Rice relates how he and his fellow artists at Fil-Cartoons in the Philippines created a public service announcement for UNICEF's International Animation Consortium for Child Rights.
Imagina 97
Imagina 97From its start, Imagina has been organized by the French National Audiovisual Institute (INA) to coincide with the Monte Carlo Television Festival (this year celebrating its 37th anniversary). The 16th annual Imagina conference was held from February 19-21 in Monaco and highlighted new imaging and communications technologies. Traditionally, Imagina, like the American SIGGRAPH conference, has been devoted entirely to computer graphics and special effects for film and television. Gradually, it has added such areas as virtual reality, virtual communities on...
16th Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival
Brussels logo by Johan DeMoor.The sixteenth edition of the Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival, organized by Folioscope, was held from February 4-16, during the Mardi Gras school holiday.
Apart from a retrospective held at the Museum of Cinema, this year's event was limited to one movie theater (Passage 44). The organizers, essentially, had not been able to reach a satisfactory agreement with the Botanique (a publicly-subsidized cultural center) that had served as the venue for specialized programs for previous editions.
Festivalgoers nevertheless didn't suffer because of this,...