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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Overseas Marketing Suggestions for the Korean Animation Industry

By Joe Jo | Wednesday, March 1, 2000 at 12:00am

While Korea is recognized as a world animation power, she is not known to have creative control over the projects on which she works. Now could be the right time for Korean companies to change this role. Joe Jo suggests a few tactics.


Fresh From the Festivals: February 2000's Film Reviews

Within the world of animation, most experimentation occurs within short format productions, whether they be high budgeted commercials, low budgeted independent shorts, or something in between. The growing number of short film festivals around the world attest to the vitality of these works, but there are few other venues for exhibition of them or even written reviews. As a result, distribution tends to be difficult and irregular. On a regular basis, Animation World ...

Company ANIMATIONWorld

The Career Coach: Cover Letter and Resume Tips

Don't let your cover letter and resume become another piece of "junk mail." The cover letter is a sales tool - use itto sell your knowledge, skill and experience. Make it clear that you understandthe needs and goals of the company and that you can hit the ground runningwhen you are hired...
